My aquaponic adventures

I just grew out two critical red autos and they had some airy buds too. The smoke has been really nice though. Not super potant but nothing to complain about. After curing for a few weeks the smell is sweet and pungent like ripe fruit kind of. Not much flavor upfront but finished in this nice berry after flavor. I’ll be smacking my tongue long after a session just tasting the left over flavor. Mine went about 10 days too long and lost a lot of the smell. I wish I harvested earlier but it’s been serving me very well.

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The grow store I frequent says they’ll match online sales. As long as you can show them the AD and its for the same product.

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Very good to know it wasn’t my light! I’ve been feeling really bad that I haven’t given this lady everything she wanted and needed :blush:.

That sounds really tasty though, I’m even more excited to try it now, lol! :grin::metal:

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Oh wow, that could work, although I’d feel pretty bad showing the an American priced ad to boot, lol

When I did this with a 6" AC infinity controller/fan. I was using the Canadian site for them. They price matched and I gladly they gave them the business.

I’m trying to work within my own cheapness level. Perhaps it’s because I use to be a car sales guy for a few years (please don’t bash me for this I was just working at fine tuning my sales skills but I wasn’t ok with screwing people over for the $$$) I feel I’m within my right to research and earn a better deal if I’m willing to put forth the effort to find it. I work hard for my money and sacrifice time away from my family which I don’t take lightly.

It takes me so long to pull the trigger on things due to this personal issue, knowing I can save a few extra $$ here and there.


looks good I’m sure they’ll be amazing after the cure

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Yeah, I kinda feel like if I were to pull up a US price to get a match, I’d be that car sales guy, lol.

I definitely need go do more leg work, I’m way too quick to pull the trigger.

Speaking of which, my new par meter arrives tomorrow 🤦😂

Thanks man, my fingers are definitely crossed :grin::grin:

I picked up a lil par meter that connects to my phone, apparently it’s quite accurate

This is my new light for autos at the top of the canopy :ok_hand:

In the main tent it was ranging from 600-1000 depending on the top I put it beside, I’ll have to watch that.

It was crazy, I held the thing beside a fan leaf and got 57#, I put it under the 1 fan leaf and it dropped to 108.

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I chopped down the rest of the critical purple today, cleaned up the bag and got it ready for the next auto seed I now have in water (I really need to get my timing better, lol)… More Afghani auto!

Also, the other new mites arrived, these ones are supposed to go after the adult thrips :metal::metal:. Other than the Blueberry mom, and a couple leaves here and there, I’m definitely winning!

@RainToday you might want to check these out too,

“swirski ulti-mites”


5th set of leaves. Lol

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Btw, REALLY nice looking plants!!! :grin::metal:

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5th?? Damn, I’m late! Lol… I’m up to 7-8 on most of them, but everything is staying quite short 🤷

The tallest two in here might be 18"


Auto zone

With the critical purple gone, I moved the others around a bit

GDP #1 closest and Zamadelica #1 beside it

Zamadelica #2, GDP #2 and Blueberry mom

In the Main zone

(Forbidden x 24k Gold) x Koster Kush #1… Worried this one is a male

Purple Lamborghini

Haze xtreme #2

Haze xtreme #1


Sad DCFD x S+SC, but it’s looking a lot better lately

Chocolate Nightmare, some cool structure in here, and everything hits the top canopy

Grapefruit x Grapefruit #1, I used a bender and bent this one over to fill up an empty spot, giving FGK#2 more room

Grapefruit x Grapefruit #2

FGK #2… I played around with my new par meter and ended up turning her around as after this pic

Triforce x PPP

The garden


Hey @luxton, I’m looking here, they’re all very pretty! Did this Zamaldelica get from @Jimdoors? Because if it’s my friend, get ready for this beauty to keep GROWING hahaha, here I suffered with one of them and the tent was too small, it was very difficult, today I have a clone of it, but I work with constant pruning.
Later I will post a photo of my Zamaldelica


That’s a lush garden everything’s looking so healthy.

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Haha, no they’re not from @Jimdoors, these ones are autos from @RainToday :grin:… They were a little out of the direct light before, but this move puts them right under it, so they should explode here pretty quickly :grin::crossed_fingers:

Sounds like a fun photo to grow though!!

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Thank you, I really appreciate that!!

I’ve gotta give the credit to the fish though, their poop makes it all happen :joy:🤦:grin: (and a hat tip to worms this grow too, holy crap are worm castings ever making a difference!!)

Today I made the crucial decision… Tomorrow the lights start 12/12… 4am-4pm, mostly so my lazy ass can get to my tent before its lights out :joy:🤦, but that will mostly likely be pulled back to 1am-1pm when everyone goes back to work/school in September, and I’m getting up with the pups again.

I gave them a light hair cut today and have a bucket of worm castings tea to add in tomorrow. Then a big haircut in next Saturday and start loading P and K too :grin:.


hey @luxton follow my zamaldelica