My aquaponic adventures

Oh wow, that’s a hell of a plant!!

Where is your grow log??


As much as it sucks, hydro rates dictate when my 12/12 starts. Usually on at 7 PM and off at 7 AM


I’m pretty stoked, my whole grow, at full lights, is just over 700 watts, 12 60 watt bulbs… With how often lights are left on in empty rooms in this house, my tent isn’t the big waster, lol. :grin:

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I’ve tried to get my phone into the same place to see some plant height changes… The last 4 days I’ve been getting a little better :grin:. The plants on the other hand, have been getting a lot better :grin::grin::ok_hand:


I played around with the par meter some after seeing light burn in the auto zone… The Zamadelica closest to the plant was getting almost 900. So, the light got raised and turned down to 75%, the top of all autos is now getting 550-650. I lifted one end to give a little more light to the new Afghani autos beside the Blueberry :ok_hand:


Well shit…

Zamadelica #1 is a male


Shit… Maybe not?



I’m pretty sure I see male and female parts


Right?? That first pic definitely has a pistil, but all the other ones are - I think - throwing out balls…

Thanks for the confirmation, I was starting to second guess pulling it, lol

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Looks like a herm. I didn’t think that happens this early on in flower…

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Definitely a herm. Trait seems to have been passed through the perfectly gorgeous female I had. Haven’t seen any herm issues on plants that were female-appearing, but quite a few that seemed to be obviously males have shown female parts also. All the progeny of my f4 male that are crosses appear to be herm-free, and others who grew the Zamaldelica Express regulars from Night Owl reported the same issue.


Trippy, this is my first! :grin::joy:

Thanks for the details, that’s really interesting that it’s either female, or both… Cool

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I’m certainly not complaining, I find it really interesting!! And ya know, if you want me to “try” any more of these seeds, I’d be happy to keep em growing :grin:, hahaha

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Lol!! I have plenty more any time you run low. I still haven’t sent your envelope, I’ll see what I’ve got from their crosses, maybe you can investigate some things for me :wink:


I’m just noticing this now. Nice bud that’s great

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I have 5 spots for continuous auto grows, I’d be happy to dedicate a couple to your needs :grin::grin::grin:

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Thanks man! The Oats x Rolling Thunder is such a crazy sticky, oily bud, and super tasty in my vape

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you convinced me to pop some more. I liked the structure of mine. What else have you been smoking lately? On the hunt for anything?

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I need to grow some more myself. I had 1 that had really cool structure (the pics is above, somewhere, but came out male. The other one I had looked super sickly and I didn’t think it was going to make it. But, instead of throwing it, I put it into the “gutter” in my grow. Once in flower, that plant ended up growing taller than every other plant I had, it must have tripled or more in stretch! It was crazy.

I’m still plowing through everyrhing from that grow :grin:. Although, a little faster than I thought I would, lol. I really want to try some milk strains, but while they’ve been mailed to me several times, the beans never arrive. 🤷