My aquaponic adventures

I think I have 50 or so at this point :grin::grin:. If you wanna send more though, I’d be very happy to keep 1 of my 5 auto pots dedicated it, in perpetuity :grin::metal:

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Anytime! I’ll get some more out to you. :+1::facepunch:

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No, I haven’t, to be honest this is the first grow I’ve even put worm castings in (and won’t be my last! Lol). Up until now it’s been salt based nutes, if I added anything at all… Adding anything has only gene a last result. Well, this time I had way too many plants for my fish, so I added a little worm casting tea and BOOM… It was insane. So, I now have half a cup bubbling away in my biomedia and a 5g bucket with a other half cup, and I’ve also added some bloom booster gecko greens… Once I find and pull out all the males, that bucket will be going in :grin::grin::grin:


I’m outta likes (again), but thanks man!! I totally appreciate it!!


Worms make some goooood stuff! I need to take another shot at my worm farm. It didn’t do well at all. Started out great then all activity stopped. But @Kasper0909 's black soldier fly farm seems it may bee more lucrative. But the worm farm I can keep in my basement and farm all year. I’ll probably end up with both at some point :laughing:


The SFL is much easier than a worm farm. They survive almost anything and need no maintenance and multiply like crazy but do go dormant when it’s cold. The worms tho create a different end product and i believe both are great. There is a way to grow SFL and worms in the same farm tho it takes some fine tuning. SFL like to eat on top and don’t break down everything, so the worms can finish it off cuz they like to eat below further.
The SFL are healthier for chickens and are more abundant and carry less diseases and break down fresh manure like no tomorrow.
SFL/Worm farm would be perfect


My opinion is both males.


Wow! Looking freaking great!! That is a beautiful bunch of healthy plants there. :+1:

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I didn’t take a pic today, but I’m not seeing a lot of pistils…

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Thank you!! I really appreciate that! :grin::metal:

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I need to look into what it takes to build a worm farm… The lil buggers tend to get out of the pots and wiggle down into the fish tank, and are then promptly eaten by the goldfish :person_facepalming::person_shrugging::joy:


Lol! Maybe natural selection will help you end up with a breeding population of “stay in the pot” worms :rofl:

My experience so far with worm farms is that setting one up is super easy, but having one indoors that doesn’t get gnats and mold is not so easy.


Oh that’s super good to know…I probably would have tried to set it up beside my tent and forever be cursing the gnats, lol

:joy::joy::joy::joy: With worms, I fear that could be a long search :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Well, NL#2 was a male…

:person_shrugging:… So, he was yanked

Everyone else I believe is showing up female, so 9 will live on! :grin::metal:

I had a bucket with about 4 gallons of water bubbling away with a half cup of worm castings (in a nylon) and a tbsp of gecko grow bloom booster, for the last week and a half or so. Today that went into the system to give the girls a solid boost :grin::metal:. I also had a half cup of worm castings (in a nylon) in my biobucket (garbage can) that I swapped with a fresh half cup.

The girls are insanely thirsty as well. I’m not sure how many gallons it is, I measure in inches added into the 36 gallon bow front. Through Veg I’d be adding 4-6" every 3-4 days. 2 days ago I filled it up and today I had to add 7.5"!!

The auto zone is firing along on all cylinders as well

GDP #1


Afghani auto #1

GDP #2

Afghani auto #2

Blueberry mom is in the top of the pic, she’s chugging away too. I’m going to end up getting kind of savage on her to keep her in the space she has, lol.


Everyone was looking very happy this morning :grin:

I put some more training clips on chocolate nightmare to bring her a little closer to the canopy height around her, she seems to have been just fine with the change :grin:




Very pertinent to my day. I am suffering my imagination of the future, and my need to try to get work done means I can’t tune it out by watching videos. I know there’s lots of healthier coping skills, but they’re not working well for me today. :woman_facepalming: 1h and 9 minutes from now I’m going to sign off work and probably anesthetize my brain with videos. :wink:



Ahahha enjoy!

Man, I know that feeling… Some days, the brain just stays in bed, lol

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@RainToday I find when im really just being bombarded with everyday things and just need a break I put on my noise cancelling headphones. I dont play any music just quiet and serenity. Sure theres still a list that feels overbearing but the quiet seems to ease the tension. I hope you find some mental sanctuary in whatever you use :slight_smile: