My aquaponic adventures

If I were smart, I’d uninstall the app… I’m not smart :joy:

I keep saying that same thing, “I’ve got everything I could need” then inevitably “ooooo look, shiny new toy!!!” :person_facepalming::joy:


:rofl::rofl: Amazon will suck you in everytime!!


So, I think GDP #1 is finally showing some pistils!! YES!! I cleaned her up a little bit, took out sucker and what not, I think she’s good to grow :grin:

Afghani auto is super thick. She’s at 5 nodes, so I decided it was time to fim her… I hope I did it right :grin::joy: (how can you not correctly cut a “f*ck I missed”? :joy::rofl:)

Zamadelica is getting tall! I put some bud trainers on her after this

And in the man zone

Standard placement


I had to move the light up again over (Forbidden x 24k Gold) x Koster #1 in the back left, her tops were getting 1300+ par :person_facepalming:. I also threw some bud trainers on her to even her out a bit.


That GDP is gonna be nice! I’m excited for you on that one


Thanks man… Yeah, she’s crazy… I had to bring another fan in to the auto zone, she had wet leaves every day when I checked on her :person_facepalming:.

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Yeah GDP is gonna be a beast, congrats on making it this far. I’ll be along to see how they finish out… Let me take my💺
K++ I’m outta likes @luxton


Vivosun controller is in place and programmed… The “recipes” are really cool! Everyrhing from germ to dry is preprogrammed… Plug in your fan(s), extraction fan and lights and it’ll control everything! If you have vivosun lights, it’ll even change the light output to have more reds in flower! I’m pretty hooked :grin:


Another day, a ton more stretch :smiley:

Standard aim, lol, it’s nowhere close to the top now, haha

Aimed up

Tops of Grapefruit x Grapefruit on the left, Chocolate Nightmare in the middle, DCFDxS+SC on the bottom right… (Forbidden x 24k Gold)xKoster #2 in the top right, Purple Lambo top center… There’s another Grapefruit x Grapefruit to the top left of the Chocolate Nightmare, but she’s pretty small. Then the big (Forbidden x 24k Gold)xKoster #1 peaking in at the very top left

Better shot of (Forbidden x 24k Gold)xKoster

Better shot of Purple Lambo

Pretty solid day :smiley:


Forgot to post auto zone pics

GDP is gonna be fun… I stretched her out a little to open her up, she seems happy :grin:

Afghani got supercropped and is bouncing back beautifully

Zamadelica is coming back from her lst’ing nicely as well


Oh!! I also painted a couple buds on Zamadelica with a little pollen from @darkillusion… Zamadelica x Cherry Brandy, yummy :grin::grin:


Burn house down time


Give him a kiss then pee on him


Lol, I’m tall, but that dude was up at the roof, haha

Wolf spiders are pretty common here. I do not like them.


We get spiders like that here too. I like them - just think about how many smaller bugs that guy needs to eat to live. :laughing: I prefer the spider. :wink:

I say that even though when I was a kid living in a basement bedroom I picked up my nightgown off the floor without shaking once and put it over my head, and one of those big spiders was in it and ran down my face.

They really aren’t aggressive, they just run away and they do it really fast so we get along fine. They are ambush predators, so they don’t even make a mess with webs.


Over the last few weeks I have REALLY been working on my arachnophobia, even staying to watch a rather large one (someone else recently posted a pic of the same species on here… Big and crazy looking, but not dangerous) spin a web and hang out - which is a huge deal, I didn’t try to burn down the house :joy:.

If they weren’t poisonous to people, I’m learning… But this bad boy is, so I start freaking out :rofl:.

Just think, a 6’5" with the voice of an 8 year old girl, quickly exiting the room so his 5’6" Mrs can vacuum it up. I’m not proud of myself :joy:


wolf spiders normally don’t make a web fyi. they’re an apex predator that prefers to live a solitary existence.

they don’t get scary [imo] until they can hiss. when they do, that’s one scary spider.

a bundled up newspaper does wonders but… you have to have a newspaper haha.

edit actually that looks like a barn spider now that i really look at it. wolf spiders are more ‘wolf’ colored here.

second edit spiders are very beneficial insects! if possible try to relocate them outdoors. if you must squish it, i understand :rofl:


Oh, I know they don’t make webs, I know all about these big bastards, lol.

Bundled up newspaper… Yeah, tablets don’t work as well :joy:

Nope, wolf spider, they’re very common here

I have NO problems with spiders on the outside, but I am the apex predator in the house, can’t have 2 alphas :joy::rofl:. He was vacuumed, no mess to clean up, lol. Even when doing that, he was bigger than the triangle crated by the vacuum, wall and ceiling, and would just walk away (granted, it’s not a crazy strong vacuum, lol) when “cornered”!! It took 3 shots, and some chasing on the third, to finally get him. (shudder) and then we left the vacuum on until the battery died, to make sure he didn’t suffer (and to make SURE he was dead when we open it next :joy:)

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I’ve learned to live with the spiders in my garden. House spiders are cool as long as they stay hidden. But if I see that thing scurry across the bathroom floor while I’m on the throne pants around the ankles, you better believe I’m stomping that spider.

These guys are cool though. European garden spider, orb weaver. Ive named it Harvey, he’s gotten huge and actually is pretty docile. I was cleaning up my tomato plants and kept forgetting he was there. He just literally hung out. He would move out of the way when I was moving leaves around. Didn’t even mind I destroyed his web while pruning.

I’ve also had tons of daddy long legs in my weed plants. Turns out they’re super active predators and clean up eggs and small larvae with ease. Also had yellow sac spiders. They don’t seem to be as active hunters but when they show up the daddy long legs disappear. I prefer the DLL.


I didn’t think their bite was medically significant unless you’re allergic. Just took a quick look online and doesn’t show it. I did get reminded that technically “poisonous” means eating it will harm you, whereas “venomous” is the word for animals which inject poisons. :wink:

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Ahh, very true, venomous… Anyone who eats a wolf spider needs a different kind of medical help :joy:

Are they really not venomous??? Dammit, come on now, hahaha

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