Fubarella SB
Getting some yellowing happening on a couple of them. Looking good though.
Bringing them back now just in time for your flip, I see!
All previous Bakerstreet photos are in same order designating #1 and #2
Tonight will start 12 hrs light, with dark starting in morning day 81.
Probably going to end up pulling Bakerstreet #1 (tiger striping) and only flowering Fubarella, Bakerbitch and Bakerstreet #2.
Like the nets! Clever idea! I’m gonna store that idea in this fat head of mine to pull out at a future date. I actually already have that exact string in the garage. Same color even.
Predrill holes otherwise the PVC will crack.
Wrap string twice around each screw when changing direction.
Weave string over under alternating each row for support.
Glad you like it…
Forgive my girlie self, but I’m looking at the pics and not sure what exactly you mean by that part…
Edit: Forgive me I’m high wasn’t even a chick moment… I just caught on to the word “Weave” in that sentence! I get it now!
Dude, I bet I could even build a large version of that on pvc legs that could fit right inside the cannabis planter on the side of the house. That would be a killer first layer, of course I would have to put it out earlier in veg outside, then successive layers of net as they grow… Hmm… That would solve the issue with the back of the planter being the wall and would leave the bottom of the plant open long enough between net layers to get under there and prune. I love it! You’ve got my wheels turning. I bookmarked it, so I can show to Dad. He can build it for us and I’ll do the weave… lol
Legs work, but then your are pretty much stuck at that height…
Four strings going up in corners to screw eye hooks, then three then all back down through a single eyelet with a cleat hitch to tie off to when you raise or lower it.
Once tied off you can grab the strings of two adjacent corners and wrap them around the cleat to swing it up and out of the way…
Edit: just read the part where you were talking about for outside…
Right, but say you put it at 3 feet for example… I’d probably be getting rid of the bottom 3 ft of the plant anyway. Wouldn’t it just keep growing through, leaving it like a cage for a good first layer of support? Then it could simply be netted right before bud.
POS China PH Meter…
Eyeballed the water for Bakerbitch and Bakerstreet 2…
Note to self, don’t forget to pick up a better meter replacement tomorrow…