My plant 9wks flower bud rot, spider mites HELP

Mites are hard to deal with, especially this late in the game. Anything that you spray on it will change the bud. Last time I had mites, everything got incinerated.


You didn’t try washing the bud? Just curious.
I have seen people use a shop vacuum. Very low power.
I agree anything this late is not good for the bud.
Same here sorry about bugs. It’s always a matter of time.


I would toss that plant personally. It just looks to far gone to me. I would also try @JohnnyPotseed 's formula on the rest of your plants. Sorry for your troubles man. Most growers lose a plant or 2 here and there. Just part of growing IMO. Just jeep your chin up and keep moving forward bud. :v:


@420noob using the MTA mix, you can spray buddage all the way up to day of harvest with no ill effects.
It won’t do much good for any bud-rot though, so anything that has that, I’d cut n toss.
Ordering on Amazon today, you can have everything in a day or two, usually.

After you harvest, IF you decide to keep the plants and treat, instead of tossing. You can wash the buddage to clean out all the pests and stuff. At least then, it won’t be a complete waste of all your time and resources.


Sorry for your loss. Those little fckrs!! They create a polkadot pattern on leaves. Become familiar with that pattern so you won’t be here again.
I have smoked bugs. Some knew about some I didn’t. I have used dawn can’t say it doesn’t taste funny. JP got some good ideas. I wouldn’t trash it. Doug isn’t wrong either. I think it depends on if you have weed or not. Personally washing it will get most of it. If it good bud then it’s the best you have. The best bud is they only bud you have. lol

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I’ve recently had success by just blasting them with the right setting on a garden hose sprayer. Not too hard and not too soft. Blast the plant sideways without tearing it up. Like a hard mist. I had webs forming and now the plant is coming back strong. Do it again if they come back after hatching.


I agree with the others.
To far gone and infestation looks pretty bad.
Make sure you disinfect every crack in your grow room afterwards.
Sorry for the loss.


sorry you’re having to deal with this. It’s easy to get them.

They come with pets, clothes, and through so many other vectors.

That’s a fly with “hitchhikers.”

The site has tons of threads on the topic of getting rid of them.

Good luck!


Thanks all for answers and support! I’m going cut that bad bad stuff but I cannot lose this whole plant or I’ll have no smoke for at least 3-4 weeks. Dispensary isn’t an option $$$. Ok so blast em dead and planned on doing h2o2 bud wash after harvest. Plus need to hit my other plants as well. Ruck me damn it.:sob::sob::cry:🤦:face_vomiting:
I’ve never had spider mites on bud. I’ve had on outside plants and they always had “webbing” on the leaves. This poor plant already went through a bout of lockout which put a hurting on the leaves and heat stress 95° in tent. I look at every night just it lookes like pistils brown and curling like what they do just noticed web last night. Uuuhhggg


Hey Bro that washing machine is for making bubble not washing yer buds , You can dunk plants in water after harvest though ,get 3 5 gal buckets to work with , 1st 2nd then the 3rd bucket youll see how dirty the weed really is , I am not sure of a solution to put in the h2o for the mites as they tend to dig in pretty good and the eggs are stuck pretty damn good also never done it myself and Bro How the hell can yer plants look so bad , I look at my girls everyday maybe you should , just saying Good Luck


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Ya Ive done bud washing before with just room temp h2o and h2o2 dunk swirl dunk swirl rinse a couple of times. I’ve checked out those ice hash washer machines I just dont grow enough to justify the price. Thanks everyone I’m still pulling hair out and trying to figure out what’s my elbow and what’s my asshole at this point.lmao


Man…does nobody use diatomaceous earth? For serious? If it’s just a grow room/tent, dust everything with DE. Leave it for 10 days or so (egg cycle) and then clean up the dust. It gets in all crevices and cracks, deterrent for future invasions.

We spent $50 on lice killer stuff for my daughter before she went to camp…she went clean and came back with more…eggs hatching and whatever.
We used the DE as a ‘dry shampoo’ treatment for a week and presto, problem solved. I have shoulder length hair and did the same.
DE is like Frank’s hot sauce…put that shit on everything.

Edit…it won’t help bud rot tho…
Can get a 10kg bag if DE from feed manufacturers for about $20


Nuke it from orbit. I can’t believe you would consider any option that included smoking any part of that plant or any other within 50 yards. Bummer because I too have been there done that.


I use it all the time as a top soil treatment and on the floor but I’ve never dusted cannabis flowers with it as it’s really bad to inhale any of it so you wouldn’t want to get any in your buds and smoke it. Use it after this grow to reset the room but saving these specific plants with DE isn’t happening. I Use it to prevent and to reset.


I would personally clear out that room, wash everything down, bug bomb the room and start over after a thorough deep clean and bug out . Take some cuts and throw away the other plants, use lockdown pads on the plants so nothing can crawl up the stems and be diligent with daily treatments to ensure they don’t come back. Then up your IPM game because these plants were definitely neglected for the mites to get this bad. Keep your temps lower and humidity higher as well as these mites love dry and hot environments the most. Then weekly pest management systems need to be implemented to keep them from returning because they will. Use multiple different applications in your pest management regime because these things build immunity to the same treatment. Use Neem, pyritherin and fatty acid bug soaps in rotation during veg. Spray downs with water weekly as well if you can, use purecrop 1 and lacto ferment in flower.


Awesome info thanks so much. The big girl is gone that was what should have been 2 weeks from finish. The heat is a constant battle for me in the summer if ac at full blast house gets up to 90° sometimes sucks but I can’t give my plants better ac than jk can’t really control heat with out lots of upgrades and things so i got to deal with it. I’ve never seen spider mites on weed before and didn’t even know what to look for. Also was just recovering from lockout from about 3-4 wks ago so there was already good plant damage and dead/dying leaves. So plant looked rough was stressed and they hit and had time to more damage since plant looked damaged. Once I saw what looked like not pistils but still white and webie I was pretty sure I was screwed. I’ve treated the hell out of remaining plants since most were still vegging or early flower so :crossed_fingers:. Cleaned room up and down. The problem comes in is in this room is also 2 banana trees, a bunch of herbs, wandering Jew(it’s a plant) some Christmas cactus and Mexican petunia cuttings. So nuked what I could and staying vigilant with neem until I can gather supplies for @JohnnyPotseed one and done. I appreciate the offer to help but I’m in the states. Huge thanks and props for reaching out. Damn I love this community!

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You know the solution to that problem, cuz. Hard as it might be, you need to find someplace else for al those other plants.

Or you’ll have to spend resources and time on treating those as well! There are total release bombs on Amazon that might give you an edge, and then clean up treatments from there.

edit… Sometimes ya just gotta declare all out WAR!


Oh I know man I know. I have enough room most of the stuff is out already. Gonna have to bomb a couple times. Luckily where I live I might be able to get my cannabis outside to finish. I really don’t have to worry about temps until mid December or so.

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Hey just curious this plant was in a fabric pot. What would be the best way to sterilize from eggs couple day vinager soak maybe or just throw it away? I hope not through away.