My plant 9wks flower bud rot, spider mites HELP

My pla

nt should be ready to harvest this week but I’ve had issues here is my newest. Day 67 flower thought was bid rot because of colors but dying and spider webs on buds is this spider mites plus whatever else I e done? Here’s a pic lmk if need better pics. @bobgrows @dougdawson @pigeonman @AzSeaindooin420 @thceed and anyone else who might follow please must address immediately
This poor plant I’ve put through hell. So fit the fucked part and make tinture or throw away? Plants struggling but hopefully 2 wks it’ll be harvestable :crossed_fingers:. Please anyone help.


man that sure sucks alot! fucking spidermites ! once upon a time there was swiss brand preforming very well against those fuckers. it was called “marshall ec 25” if i remember correct carbosulfan was the main part of it. i`m not sure if so late into flowering it still useabale. but it would stop the wohle mess!

so i dont know if it is really helpful or not… the product iseems to be discountinuted … but i think a little search about Carbosulfan should find some kind of substitute.

seems to beglium not swiss


I’ve used this stuff and won a fight against spidermites.

It’s organic.When you harvest the buds need a wash then it’s safe to ingest.
It did effect the taste and yield but it got me through to harvest.


If I can’t find that would any safe to eat after application bug stopper work?

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for sure worth a try! but to tell you the truce… spidermites are fucking mess once they establsihed.


Bug stop worked. I had a perfect tree peach tree plant with spidermites and I sprayed it every 3 days with bug stop through to harvest.
Here is the pdf
Growing-Success-Bug-Stop-RTU.pdf (148.0 KB)
It works by promoting a plant reaction to defend itself.


seems to be a better solution. my stuff is a little outdated i guess!

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In all fairness the instruction say to wash before ingestion. It doesn’t mention if it has any serious effects when it’s burned.

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as long as it helps everything is fine! :slight_smile: it always better to control them before the spread. that was my lesson with those fuking spidermites.


I never saw it this massive…How long did you ignore them? :grin:
I would not spray anything that short before harvest, but i would do some bud washing, hang dry and then some concentrate. Ice Hash works well, as these fuckers swim on the surface.
Beside this i use an ozon generator, like every 2 or three month’s to make sure NOTHING survives in the rooms. A bit annoying to remove the plants, but since i’m using it - no more problems with Spidermilbs, powder mildew etc :+1:


@JohnnyPotseed ‘s one-n-done is suppose to be safe all the way through harvest. Give it a look and see if it’s what you’re looking for.





I’m sorry but I’d call that a write off.


Agreed. Too far gone and too late and small of a harvest to justify the effort.

Keep a closer eye in the future.

If you have mother plants, you need to completely eliminate the infestation or this will happen again. It’s all guaranteed infested.


Holy Fuck the Borg! Burn it! Burn it all! :fire::fire::fire:
Sorry you have to deal with this! Every single time I pray to everybody’s gods that I don’t see these bastards show up! I’m not even slightly religious!


yep. every plant in the same vicinity is infested right now. Everything needs sprayed down and cleaned.

I’d toss that flowering plant in the trash or burn it. I would not stick it in my compost that’s for sure, would just proliferate more mites.

JohnnyPotSeeds “1 and done” spray

or this other spray i found would kill them:

2quart water
1/4 cup peppermint castile soap
1/4 cup tea tree castile soap
1 tablespoon 3% hydrogen peroxide
1 cup 70% isopropyl alchohol

Stronger isopropyl is not better. Pump sprayer works best. every spot on every plant need soaked down, top and bottom of every leaf. apply again in 3 days and repeat until you don’t see any more bugs. 30x loupe is minimum necessary to easily see them.


I’m not ashamed to say the loss of your Tri-Force brought a tear to my eye. The continued losses made me want to upchuck! :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:
Damn shame to see it! @HolyAngel


Yeah was a sad couple weeks there :cry:
Still got the mom though so she will be seen again! :muscle:


Mix it up in some high high abv alcohol and let it decarb, then bake with it.

Or just call it a loss and move on. Farming is shitty like that, I cant help but think of farmers who depend on their plot for everything and have to endure some hardships, only to wait and pray for next season. Tough livelihood


Sorry to see you’re dealing with this, but you have to toss that plant and deep clean. If you’re keeping other plants that were in the same area as these you better clean the heck out of them for the next few weeks at least keeping an eye out for a return. Best of luck getting rid of this crap!