Tiny black tar like bubbles on the underside of leaves

Whatever it is, it’s spreading to everything in my flower closet.
Has anyone seen this before?


What’s your humidity like?


Looks like it’s some kind of fungus. Check out this screenshot I just took… 3 of those black blobs have little white spots on them. I think that is the fungus going to spore. Are the plants flowering? If they are not use a teaspoon of sulfur powder in a gallon of water and spray the plants down

If they are flowering something like Serenade would work.
And that’s if I’m right. I don’t know that I am


Humidity is around 50-60%


Looks like the early start of sooty mold or something similar. No chance you have aphids is there? The honeydew they secrete will grow mold.
A couple of those Yellow-greenblobs in your photo look suspicious.


That’s a little high for flowering. I would run a dehumidifier for sure.
Even if the black spots aren’t from humidity it will hurt your buds near the end.


Under a scope, i see something that look like a microscopic maggot, but it doesn’t seem to move, and it’s right next to one of the black dots.
The plants are flowering, but i won’t be consuming them, so i am open to using anything.


M*********** I think you Might have russet mites


Watch the same one for a while and you should see it moving. They like to hang out next to the leaf veins


They look like little maggots. If you watch them long enough you will see them eating your resin.
I’m hoping you tell me you don’t have them. If you do, unless some miracle cure has happened in the last couple of years that I don’t know about, it is best to start from scratch. Temperatures under 50 slow them down… I basically tried to freeze them out knowing my plants could handle the cold better than they could .
6o-100 times magnification to see them


Definitely could be. Thank you.
I’m halfway through reversing my Mulanjes with STS and am starting to see male pollen sacks showing, so i would hate to start over.
I need to do some reading and see what’s available.

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Agree, the white spot is the spore from where it starts … :roll_eyes:


If you’re breeding a hermie/male and whatever females then you can treat them wiťh possibly Sulfur or something else. They will probably produce seeds. I’m in the middle of a test on a pregnant seed mama that I doused with Sulfur to see what happens. She was 3 weeks with seeds and I drowned her spray to deep in the bud. And did a dechlorinated water rinse an hour afterwards. It’s been 2 weeks and in one week the seeds are done. Everything looks good. BTW the plant wasn’t sick I just test stuff, if it ain’t broke?:grin: I’m tripping on Sulfur and started using it very recently so I will break something. It could screw up your seed plans, but take a shot at this point.


I would spray treat with Sulfur asap but not the buds or pollen sacs. This will save the leaves that are supplying the energy for sex. Then a couple days after pollination I would spray the whole plant with Sulfur.


I’ve got black dots outside. Not as concentrated and I think the ones on my plants are bigger. No pics rn.


Nice picture. That’s it for sure. A teaspoon Sulfur powder in a gallon of water and spray the plants down. Should kill it but @JoeCrowe I hope can confirm that it will work. It doesn’t bother the flowers/seeds to spray but if you smoke them( i did) they taste like sulfur, even 3 months later in flower.
Serenade spray is safe to use until harvest and it works well.
Now, what are those little maggots?


Yeah it might fry the stigmas, I don’t recall if it did or not. But seeds forming already were not bothered.


I was thinking about your aphid theory, their poop then is converted into fungus as you said, but with all that shit around you should see a crowd of them, strange indeed … icon_e_confused|nullxnull


The russet mites didn’t kill any of my plants, just made them look rough below the infestation line. However, you’ll want to know if you have them. Let’s hope you saw something else


Did that article say what type of fungus it was other than what order it was in? Sooty mold?

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