My Sour Diesel & Purple Kush Grow

Thanx and thanx these 3 lovely ladies have been moved into the 4X4 FusionHut under the Mars Hydro II 900 watt -Full Spectrum LED & once I check to see here the date they sprouted just may need to go 12 & 12 too.

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Hey there Brother Grower, I’m back salvaging what I can and I’ve now got my oldest son Growing his own Medicine as well so I’m hoping the seed gig has turned out to be worthy of acquiring some more sweet beans to grow. & if so can I see a pic of exactly what you have at present. Thanx. Don D.

A friend grew out. Crop King PK and the pheno’s where all over the place. He grew 5 fem PK and all 5 were different in every way. And it was harsh to smoke! What was your expierenced?

I am truly sorry for anyone getting shight beans under any circumstances Period! I however have been growing Crop Kings Beans for almost a decade and have yet to have a single Bad Bean to date. Presently I’ve been training/bonding w/ my 1st born Son how to Grow his own Prescribed Medical Marijuana. I was just in the midst of Growing 2 Purple Kush & 2 Sour Diesel, unfortunately 1 of the little ladies died and at present My Son has the 3 remaining lovely ladies. They’re in a 4X4 FusionHut/tent with the Infamous Mars Hydro II 900 watt (full spectrum) LED Growlight. I’m presently quite happy with them as the kids a natural so there’s That too Eh! lmao :sunglasses:

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oh dont worry. crop king will give you bud. problem is most people arnt looking for ripped off names, a huge range of phenos, mid grade bud etc.

As much as I hate to admit it your quite right in fact over the last few days I’ve spoken to some older Growers locally & all concur that Crop King has Mass Produced their Strains lineage to the point of No Return. I was up until this very morning going to purchase some of their New Strains in hopes of Growing something Exotic and Tangier or of course Blueberry Fortunately I hadn’t done so and am going to really research any strain I may decide to purchase for the next 4X4 Hut I intend to put 5, 5 gallon pots in the next run as every time I look at the space available in the FusionHut I want to :cry:
I’m going to check a few new Head Shops in town as well tomorrow. The best place in the community to hear what’s Truly going on with regards to Quality or Shight Beans available locally. Oh yeah have you heard anything about these-

  • Freedom Dream Beans that are giving away to promote the Freedom Of Growth of Quality Cannabis In & Outdoor throughout our Most Awesome Country. Now if that doesn’t Scream Grow Your Own within reason and don’t be an idiot (as you & I both know there will be plenty of them) However My Fellow Connoisseur & Grower Start Planting and Relax whilst doing so. I know you may think me quite cocky and to sure of things with regards to my Perspective of the ability to Grow ones Own Medication where ever one is Inside our Countries Borders. I am more certain than Ever that with or without a Medical Prescription for Marijuana as long as you Stay True to yourself and holy fuck listen to me eh! Just please believe me my Brother Grower even though it may not be Official until 2018 it’s a done deal Lotus I urge you to ENJOY it a most importantly BELIEVE in the Fact that No PoPo will be arresting anyone for Growing or Possessing Personal Marijuana as long as we Never share with Minors (besides the little fucks probably got more than we do from mom & dads stash eh) :laughing: I am going to start germinating a few of these and grow them to Flower and set up my 3X3 Hut to see just how good this Freedom Dream really is. I’ll keep you posted of course and if you come across anything really Tasty & Potent please do let me know. Don D. :+1:
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those freedom dream beans are for outdoor growing to make cannabis plants normal again. they are hemp plants that have a super low thc level. i have a bunch for this year:) cant wait!!

Why give low THC strains away. That seems mean.

they are for overgrowing canada. they had high thc seeds but ran out SUPER fast.

If they would ask i am sure Cali and CO. would pick up the slack.

It is cool they are trying, i am being snobby. A season for something that doesn’t get you there is weird to think about. I am spoiled.

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And when my friend called Crop King out on their shady genetics. They were dickish in response and essentially told him to go fuck himself. I think he told me they said " we are the biggest sellers of seeds in the World we don’t need your buisness." I will never recommend anyone buy from these guys, ever!


right? plus why buy them when im offering basicly wholesale price on beans to overgrow membersXD

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Yes Thank You, I knew it was just Waaaaay to Good to B true. :grinning: However Mother Nature & the -

  • Medical Marijuana Producers here in our most wonderful of Countries Canada have made my current Grow Possible today. My Son whom also has a legitimate Medical Marijuana Prescription had purchased a half ounce of Shishkaberry

  • & by The Green Hearted Gods didn’t a sweet dark brown bean fall from one of said strains Nugs. I was stunned -

  • as I really and truly found the Shishkaberry to be one of the best Fruity Tasting and Smooth with a very Spiritual High.
    I’ve used Cannabis Recreationaly or so I thought as it turns out It was the only medication that I could get that didn’t make me feel like I was on speed like my Family Doctor Prescribed in the 70’s for my Hypertension Disorder :astonished:
    after 5 weeks of said event I’m out of control “Eh” My Sherri The Shishkaberry Princess is Looking just Marvelous.
    Also I’ve had the thought I’d Clone Her to see if I was able. By God I seem to have 4 out of 6 looking very promising indeed & with continued TLC & the Fantastic Brother & Sister Growers whom have Always been there through any
    & ALL Turmoils & Mostly Great Grows thanx to the unlimited Old School & New School Growers Alike. Some of us Old Dogs are set in our ways however I have to be honest here and admit this New COB Lighting has saved me Mega Bucks on utilities. & the the yields are quite nice indeed I like surfing through COB Grows to see just how well they do. I’m consistently impressed by the Greenest Of Greens. I’m all over the place about wattage & size of tent I’m shooting for 6X8 max for 10 to 12 5 Gallon pots. Any advice please feel free to pass along. raysco No Judgement here Brother It’s just one Green Heart Among Many giving an opinion. “Stay Green & I wish all the - - Greenest of Grows & Heaviest of Harvest Always”

                                            Most Grateful Don. :pray: Namaste :pray: Namaste

    P.S. Hey Lotus can you imagine setting up my new gear planting 12 of those freaking CBD beans all excited about my Free Crop and Budda Bing Budda Boom where’s the Fu------ Kerosene Eh! “Up in Smoke that’s where my money went” LMAO. :head_bandage: I’m working on getting these Galz set up in 5 Gallon pots with whichever COB set up I decide on
    I honestly cant believe I successfully cloned a Cannabis Plant Yeaaaahhhh!!!

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I am glad to hear you are having fun and finding winners! I am using CMH and plasma right now but will try LED again soon. If nothing else a little side lighting. Lotus or Pookie have way more LED knowledge than me i assume. Good luck with everything and congratulations on your cloning success. If i can help i will, gladly.

This is my current Shishkaberry Mother Plant for Cloning & a mix match of other strains I’ll decide to keep or give to my Son.
I’m really looking forward to seeing a wonderful colorful wall to wall 5X5 of Shishkaberry & Frankenberry Princesses -

  • under a 1200 Watt Full Spectrum LED COB. I am truly blessed to have the opportunity to Grow My Own -
  • Family Practitioner Prescribed Medical Marijuana. Completely Organic & being on a Disability Pension that does-
  • Not Cover Medical Marijuana and the cost of which (for Quality) is unattainable to me. “Because I Am” “Canadian”
    Lest Not forget, all the amazing & wonderful Brother & Sister Growers here on without whom I’d still be flipping through all the books and Magz on Growing to figure out what’s what. lol. Mucho Luv & Green Hearts Galore.
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I have all of these pretty little Darlings sent to another Indoor Grow of my 1st born’s of whom I’m quite Proud these days and we’re really Bonding too. I am totally convinced that the Best and Most Efficient Growing Light available today is the -

  • COB (chip on board) Full Spectrum LED 200 to 600 watt for Veg & 1200 to 1800 watt for Flower/Bloom just check out the results of other Growers using this type of Lighting as it’s much less heat and hydro used to run these lights and from what I’ve personally seen and watched on Youtube and 420 as well as here to. I also want to mention the Horrible 600D Mylar 1/2 inch poles etc. PLEASE Believe me when I say these tents are SHIGHT Completely.
    Spend the extra money on the 1680D Mylar with 1 inch poles I personally just dodged the bullet on this very mistake myself but for my cousin buying one the day before I went to get mine we both had the 1000 watt Mars Hydro Light and the 1/2 inch poles on the 600D Mylar were Bowed like mad when the wight of said light hung from them. I put out the little extra $50.00 & got the 4X4 FusionHut (tent) & a week later went and got another 3X3 for Veg.
    I ordered and recieved my 1800 watt COB LED Light today Yeaaaaaahhhhh…
    I have 3 Dutch Passion Blueberry seeds Germinating at present and all 3 have started tap rooting today too. I’m going to make all 3 Mothers as this is a strain that is sure to be in my top 3 Favorite strains of all time so I’ll always want some on hand eh. lol. I’m just Paying it Forward Here Brother Grower. Even being an Old School Stubborn Grower whom THOUGHT I Knew it All about Growing has had to Eat my Crow and Humble myself to admit the FACTS about the -

  • all of the New Tech and Old School Organic All Natural Indoor Soil Growers Must Try a COB Grow and just see the HUGE Decrease in Electricity and Amazing Sight of the Brilliant Greens Under said Lighting. Honestly I’ve Never even seen the SUN make Marijuana Grow so Brilliantly as the COB’s do. I will be starting my own Journal today in regards to my 1st ever COB Grow. Oh & I to am also learning day to day Brother Grower.

                         Sincerely: Don D.

It is nice to see your enthusiastic about the COB LED’s. I have seen a lot of good grows on You Tube with those. When i tried the CMH my bill went down so it would be nice to drop it again for sure. I look forward to seeing your journal and results with the new tech. :grin:

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I didn’t know you use COB @ryasco!

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No, No i didn’t say that did i? I use CMH and Plasma. I am interested and probably will at some point. I am a geek about new lighting.

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