Need advice on CoolTube

Hello folks,
I decided to order a 400w hps with cooltube in order to replace the crappy led grow light I have.
My question is:
I can use the cooltube without being connected to the exaust?

I wanted to just redirect heat to the sides and then exaust it with the carbon filter already in place in the room.

Otherwise I will need to connect the carbon filter on the cooltube intake end and connect the other to the exaust, will need a 100 to 125mm adapter and the filter may be too heavy and I will need to balance the set after I have it attached.

but if it works well without any damages without big airflow, the heat will climb to the filter I have but won’t go down on the plants.

Any thoughts?

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I guess ya could, but its kinda working against the cooltubes purpose. Heat will escape into the tent that way.

I’ve hung some bigger filters on tent support poles, I wouldn’t worry about them holding most of whats available out there. And duct tape makes great size adapters :wink:

I’d find a way to go filter > fan > cool tube > exhaust from tent if at all possible. Fan BEFORE the light pushing thru the cool tube / pulling from the filter.


I wouldn’t run a cool tube with no cooling.

An open hood is your best bet, like a wing reflector. You can even do a vertical bare bulb.


I dont see the point in having a cool tube without active exhaust.

I run mine like this

Carbon filter - >duct - >cooltube - >duct → fan → duct - >outside

I have tried pushing air through, but find it works better pulling air with the fan at the end of the HVAC system.

I have sufficient air flow with a 720cfm fan to pull all air through this setup and maintain 78f temps in a 4x8 with a 1000w running.

It’s my main exhaust for the space. I have a secondary 4inch that runs out into another tent then its tied back into the same out line with a 4inch 300cfm boost.


IMHO and a grower that still have my Cool Tubes, that I ran 1k hps through them, vertical and horizonal. If I understand correctly, you are not pulling air through them, just running a 400 bulb?
I think your going to make that glass be a heater of sorts, with all that radiant heat.
I always ran mine with a lot of air being drawn into them and out to the filter.
I’m not sure I can find those snaps of the cool tube set up I ran for years.
This is from 2006ish, a 400 hps, vertical naked bulb. I have run CT’s that way also, but no bang for the buck as the glass of the CT will impeded a little of the light source.


I’m chiming in to support what’s been said already:
There’s no point to having a cool tube if you aren’t ducting it out.
If you want the heat to stay inside the tent, just get a hood, or as said above, a wing reflector.


All right, got it.

I will use the second setup, I won’t be able to move the extractor inside the growroom.

Also heat radiate down too, and the point of the tube without extraction was to keep the heat going up, I don’t care about the heat going up.

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If you’re pulling fresh air from outside and just running it through your cool tube then back out side why do you need a carbon filter. Why are you filtering the air going to your cool tube. Isn’t the whole point of a carbon filter to scrub the smell as you exhaust upur room? I mean, your not even pulling smelly air from your grow with that set up.

Wouldnt a more efficient set up be duct into tent. Then open cool tube intake side - duct - fan - duct - carbon filter for exhaust

This way you’re using negative air pressure to intake fresh air, as well as removing heat from your cooltube along with smell and exhausting both through carbon filter, no?

I’m not pulling fresh air through the cool tube, carbon filter is in the grow tent and it creates negative pressure.

That’s the other option, actually the better option.
Have the cool tube separate from your room exhaust. I cant run it that way though I dont have the option to segregate and pull in fresh.

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My setup is kinda like Bammer1082, we use negative pressure, and it works fine both for smell and to renew the air with outside atmosphere.

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That makes sense, I couldn’t understand why you were filtering fesh air :laughing:

I also run it the same as you, just with no carbon filter, I don’t need to worry about smell

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Always keep the fan pulling air over the bulbs, even when it’s just blowing the air back into the room. At the beginning of the tubes, is the carbon filter, which I can lift with one hand, because it’s so light.


Most excellent view Joe!! Sweet work also!!

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That set up is really nice but I need the hole thong to go up and down depending on how big they are.
But that is what I need to do in a smaller scale.

Yah I don’t change the elevation of the lights anymore, instead I’ll put the plant on top of something so it’s higher up. Since they are cool tubes, the plants can get much closer without getting fried.

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Thank you all for your thoughts, the deliver was delayed and I switched the cooltube to a regular reflector, since the heat goes up and I have an ascendent air flow, may be better for my setup.

Cooltube to be ajustable need some room for the ducting and consume a lot of space inside the closet.

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