Vent Intake/Outake Question

Hey all Lokster here.

I have a big question with my design before I start and it involves the airflow of my tent. I haven’t chosen a filter system for intake and outtake due to my living situation. So I am hoping advice from the grow gods, and some know it alls :wink:

My Layout / I will be in a closet and a tent good space for it, but where do I release the air when it gets older and more stank due to the fact I live in a complex and… not even top floor. Is there any alternatives. I’ve heard using another room , then the vent tube going out window but can’t due to my living situation. I want the plant to be more safe then me. If need any more info on situation and or details just reply. This is where I’m stuck on my progress would appreciate the love and help.


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the tent will be the same temp as the room + whatever heat your lights put out.

So just keep ambient temp in the room around 70-80 & crack a window, should be fine.

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You could always vent it out thru the dryer vent they make a y/ t thingy so you can use the dryer also


You could always put a carbon scrubber on both ends of your exhaust.that will more than eliminate your odour


Damn. I was about to say that but I took too long reading.

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Thanks all peeps. I am gonna get a carbon and as karma keep everything the right temp and let the air flow out but with no stink. I would do the dryer even then someone said a lightbulb on celing. I’ll make you all proud peeps.


if you have a dehumidifier in the tent that will also raise the heat. or a co2 generator

I have a tent with a carbon scrubber that exhausts to the same room.

All the best

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But only need humid for curing though right?

I have low humidity here, i use a humidifier in each tent

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