Set Up in Closet

Hello everyone :v: Need advice on my set up I have a 400W light with both blue and red spectrums. I’m growing in my closet, have a fan for circulation, and the seeds are sprouting, but there’s no proper ventilation. If I leave the closet door slightly open and my room window open, will that be enough to keep the plants cool and ventilated?


Leave it open


Ventilated? Yes. Cool? It depends on your room temp. Please share a picture of your closet for us to help you out.


I was in the same situation when I first started growing.
I had 2 options
Option 1. Cut a whole in the ceiling and vent in the attic. Or
Option 2. Depending on how far you have to run some ducting will determine your exhaust fan size and you can place a fan in the closet and run your ducting to the window and vent out the window.
Or you can continue on with just opening the closet door and opening your window.
Good luck and happy growing.

P.S I would put a hygrometer in the closet to keep tabs on temp and RH.


Here’s how I set up my closet as a grow room:

Long story short: I added a bathroom fan to the ceiling, and a vent near the baseboard, through which I also run electricity.


I basically have same size closet with spiderfarmer 6 inch exhaust being installed in door qb Hlg full spectrum light. Controller, everything I need. Its all hooked up to controller to exhaust when gets to hot. My question is am I supposed to be exhausting at night because It doesn’t when light off. Would clip fan going at night be fine,then when lights go on and temps go up automatically exhausting.


As long as your humidity is stable, then you should be fine. Just keep the air moving in the closet with the fan like you mentioned. Keep track of your temps in the room with lights on. In warmer months youll have to exhaust out the window, but during the winter use the light to cut down on your heating bill. Biggest thing is the humidity. Dont let it get over %60.

Welcome to overgrow!


Is this an LED or HID light?

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Thanks bud, should be rocking soon!