Need help with PPFD

Copy, logical, thx!

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How do you guys not ph? Does it really not matter that much?

I ph everything. But i never tried not phing

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I grow organic/living soil. The microorganisms will buffer the oh around the area immediately surrounding the roots.


Next round im going to try that on a single plant see if there is any difference on my end

It really depends on your medium. I grow in Coco so I must PH my feed. Soil growers life a different life, lol.


The accelerated growth you get comes at the price of having to ph lol

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Yeah, I love coco. Mostly because if I screw it up I can flush out the problem easily and reset. The PH thing is a small matter. I mix 3 x 5 gallon bottles at a time, takes but a minute to get the PH in check as I can normally just PH down by eye to get what I want. Not that I have a problem with soil, I recently started playing with soil to start plants I drop outdoors at the lake.

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For sure, I almost switched to coco but it just didn’t make sense, we have access to organic inputs for compost, for free. So seemed silly to switch and add an expense. I was after the automation with coco, but went with blumats. It’s not as automated, but is working great.

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For me it’s just that I started in coco. I went that way figuring if something was wrong, it was all on me, no wondering about the soil. I just never looked back after that decision.

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It makes a lot of sense. Maybe one day.


Same. One day when i run out of all the organic stuff i bought lol

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I hear that. We have chickens, access to as much cow crap as we want, and a big compost pile. It just makes sense to use the compost from all that and ammend the soil I used when I started. Little bit of worms. Very little store bought stuff.

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I don’t pH because my nutes tapwater and medium all put together gets me in the right range.

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Yes indeed. I have a very dusty pH pen. Going on 18 months since I picked it up.
Living soil can do crazy things. Like, an Earthbox/ wet SIP shouldn’t work! That level of sustained moisture in a soil medium should murder a plant dead, but the crazy mycelium and fungal network somehow moderate the exchange!
So yeah, I water with dechlorinated hose water that’s on the basic side of 7 and let the soil do the rest.

I have well water and utilize blumats. I like to give a good soak about once a week just to keep it all happy. Pretty set it and forget it once yoy get dialed in.

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Man, I need to do the Blumat thing. I hand water with a pump sprayer… it takes an hour every time
Do you do the reservoir system? @JustANobody


I use a 32 gal food safe garbage can with 2 VIVOSUN pumps. 1 to mix and keep everything moving and 1 to feed the system. I add beneficial bacteria to the resivior and the occasional silica. Works great.

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How frequently do you have to refill the rez?

With 6 plants in 7 gal pots I’d say like every 1.5-2.5 weeks. It never really gets low though, I add water from the dehumidifier most days.

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That only happens for me when i mix certain stuff with my tap water. Dang your lucky