Vigorous plants starting to maybe droop, overwater or underwater? Scary decision

Two plants in my tent aren’t sticking up praying like they have for the last month, I’ve watered everyday always. The comparison pics aren’t uploading too big for some reason. I’m going to post a pic of the outside of one of the pots m, you see the roots are a bit brown, is this like what root rot looks like? Or is my plant maybe not as happy because I cleared a bunch out yesterday? They were having all leaves up praying everyday now they are seeming to go down and I don’t know if they are vigorous and thirsty or it’s root rot. The one plant I moved in this tent after this others is not having this problem at all. Could the little bit of Algae on the outside of the cloth pot be causing this? I haven’t seen it cause an issue like this I’m just scared to water if it’s root rot cuz they still look alright as plants. But if it’s a little down cuz they are thirsty i don’t wanna wait a day. My racing post coffee morning thoughts strike again I’m gonna try and post the pics seperate

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Lift the Pot.

If its heavy, keep walking and don’t water till you feel it’s changed and is now lighter.

Wait till you feel its changed

Here’s the roots out of one of em, On the one very happy olant alll leaves at all points stick up the other plants have lower blades around budsites pointing down and the pots not super dry but it’s so confusing how this problem is would start after everyday feedings for months


I can’t really lift because they are huge and spread into the scrog when I push up the net and tied branches gives a lot of resistance they’re twisted in all over the canopy


First one is happy second one makes me wonder if they got too much nitrogen and maybe starting to claw, the big fan leaves aren’t like that now but they were REACHING up to the lights everyday before this for at least a month.


The one happy plant was moved in later so it could’ve had a bit less nitrogen in that coco built up to begin with

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Gotcha, I can understand that scene.

Wait a couple days before watering, is still the first Action I can recommend. And possibly backing off on the Volume for these two. At least until they recover and need more.

It sounds real basic, but those 2-prong Moisture-meters are accurate and Cheap: Dry / Moist / Wet

These Meters will walk you right to the change in your soil, when its the perfect time to water, between Moist and Dry

Plants look beautiful by the way…


I should get one forsure i love knowing more and more as far as variables. These are 50/50 coco perlite that’s why I’ve been watering so much I’ve never grown soil indoors and I’m starting my first try at organic in a few weeks and I’ve been scared about overwatering since I’ve been growing hydro forever lol


Thank you for the advice!

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Never a problem, Soil rocks, Patience is the Winner here, wait for that water to do its work.

Merry X-mas

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Merry Christmas!

hi if there in coco you should never let them dry between feeds,flush and reset is best erase any salts built up and in turn encourage stable ph,the praying thing is a bro science myth and is reaction to intense light try turning it down a tad,ps a tip for good flush is to use non phed water and a very small dose of nutrient this helps release salts better.
nearly impossible the have rootrot in coco. brown roots outside the dark bit of the pot is normal. good luck


Hmm she looks mostly fine… Algae shouldn’t cause any issues, my fabric pots are covered in it. The brown roots kinda look like rot tho I’d agree. Usually mine are white or green(covered in algae) :thinking:

Anything change nute wise or ph lately? Gonna be hard pressed to overwater in 50/50 coco/perlite unless shes just not drinking at all.

Edit:everything duke just said, ninja!


Honestly I may have had a bit more of the bloom A&B on a couple feeds because some of the plants seemed to be eating everything up I almost wonder if some strains just want more than others. When I do the exact feeding chart numbers it’s 700 ppm roughly and I was having some times where the run off would be 650 and they were eating it up so I did some 800-850ppm feedings just upping the bloom a&b slightly (main ingredients of the GH coco tek series i run)

You might get better drying of the pots bottom soil, if you get it off the ground an on an elevator. Just an observation, thanks for that pic

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I seriously think there’s something wrong with my phone and overgrow cuz I’ll hit reply to you and the first time I do it, it never works!

One plant was shorter so I have it elevated like that and it seems to be just starting to get this problem to

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Mine like to do that sometimes when they want to get a repotting and they want to pout till they get thier way.Then when I fight it nutrient issues pop up.


It kind of makes me think when they do that the root mass is getting so big to pot mass and they can’t perform capillary action properly and have hydration delivery problems messing with the positive and low pressure in the plant and the leaves droop does that make sense?