Needing advice for a diy table 12x4

Needing ideas on how I should build an tilted table for as cheap as possible. Baby on the way so I don’t have alot of extra funds to spend on a table. Im needing a titled table so I can collect run off and pump it out through a colector pipe and drainage system w 500gph pump. Running a drip drain to waste. The table can be pvc or wood. If anyone’s made one and can post pictures I would appreciate


I made one out of plastic roofing I had left over from an awning I built. I should have added a piece of gutter to the end to catch the run off. I just used an oil pan to catch any. Used old 2x4’s I had laying around.


thats the plan ive had sitting on my desk for a week. I was thinking about a flood and drain table, instead of top feeding… but i have zero knowledge on how to even set one up…


Ebb and flow would just need a pump and and pipe to flow up and down. But you’d need sides on your table to flood it. Top drip just the pump with a 6 or 8 head drip emitter and some spaghetti lines.

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Made a 5x5 table frame and risers for trellis. Gonna frame out the tray with plywood. Use pond liner inside the tray and plumb it accordingly. Will have a 1/2 pvc water line down the center with a riser and 8 port manifold with spaghetti lines for drip to waste, and pump and drain for f and d… Will make rings with soaker hose for staking to the pot for the drip style setup. My question is how long should I be feeding. Im in coco perlite soilless by roots organics. Should I set a short cycle timer for 5 min watering for every 30 min or what? New as hell when it comes to hydro


Once the roots fill out the pot they are in you can multi feed up to 6x a day if they’re drying out.

Test it til you get enough run off then try 1-2x a day and add more as the plant needs it.


I’ve only done a run in coco once. Watered 2-3x a day by hand. Worked out pretty well for me. I used masterblend nutes and some MPK.

There’s a good read on Jacks 321 and another CMH coco cavern. @GramTorino

All good reads to help you pull a good harvest!


Looks like a fun project.

Here’s a good read on feeding etc…


@tc198414 I did a 4 x 8 years ago with a piece of plywood and made six inch sides for it

than painted with shellac to waterproof

it worked very well

all the best and be safe



I just did this yesterday, as my veg is finally progessing. I’m using a pond liner, and just drain into a bucket :wink:


@Cartwright I did a drain to waste years ago on the table worked well put it on sawhorses

on a tilt and was growing the weed :slight_smile:

make beans and share them



Will definitely be trying that! Thank you my friend.

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Thats the game plan. Got any pics?

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Thank you!

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Just a 4 x 8 sheet sitting on tubs, and a 1" piece of wood at the back to tilt the table so it runs off.

Will screw on some wood strips to raise the edges, and just lay a liner on top.

Cheap, simple, effective.



@Cartwright only point I would make be careful with water, OSB does not fair well :frowning:

I had put down 18 inch vinyl tiles in my room over it and did not grout them

I was loving my hard work thinking I was cool but not so it was not so long and my foot

step thru a tile because the OSB rotted from water seeping under the tile

looks good I will have to watch you work with it

make beans and share them



You got that right! No seeping allowed. The pondlinerI I have is an insane thickness, and has performed this duty many times before;)

i actually like the plastic farmer tables better in some cases, but this fit the space so well, and it was free. if its free its for me!


heavy four foot page wire works also :slight_smile:


If you are going to build a tilt table I would go with NFT. Using pvc as a frame is brilliant. Get a flood tray (those could be a little pricey though). You could improvise. Maybe you can use 6 in. Pvc pipe with holes drilled into the sides for your plants to sit in. Then your nutrient can run down the pipes back into the reservoir. Like this.

Are our plants to big to grow in these?
I think this would be the most cost-effective. Those drain tables can get pricey.
Either way I can’t wait to see what you come up with! :v:


@tc198414 I did plants (not ours) outside on page wire bench on cider blocks

I used 10 inch pots and soil-less I used woodpeckers and inline proportioner

with Peters doing Mums

tables and benches can grow good stuff good luck I am following for sure

make beans and share them
