Runoff collection ideas for a 6.5' x 6.5' tent

Looking for some ideas for my tent. Normally I run hempy buckets, but since going back to a tent from a room, I’m not gonna have all the extra space. I know a flood tray is made for this but I don’t want to drop 100 bucks for a piece of molded plastic. I’m thinking it’s gonna be something like a declined table, allowing the runoff to flow to the lower end and into a collection tote possibly. If anyone has any ideas, I’m all ears. I tried doing a search, all I find is info on how to re feed your runoff. Lol


Easy enough to set up some kind of collection system. A good tarp can create a flood tray really cheap. Some kind of pump and float valve could easily be hooked up with minimal effort. My biggest concern about such things would be keeping the humidity down which will be much harder in a tent than it was in a room.

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They have ebb and flow tables you can use too.

Nvm lol

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I built a table out of scrap 2x4’s and a plywood top. Covered it with plastic and it drained into a gutter I had laying around. Gutter went to bucket.

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Not a bad idea. I’m sure I can find pond liner or pool liner somewhere

My buddy built a table with a slight incline. He then covered it with corrigated PVC roofing panel. That went into a gutter, gutter to bucket like @MidwestMover described.


Going to have to borrow that idea

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I made ebb n flow tables with pond liner years ago. 40mil EPDM. its probably more flexible than pool liner too…

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Reason I went back to plastic pots no mess don’t have to worry about water everywhere,


Look for a free ripped big pool
Its end of summer cut the bottom to fit your size then cut the rest up lil by lil an dump it

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Yea I like this. Gonna have to do that. I can easily fit about 30 plants with more than enough room for a clone rack. The tables like described would work perfectly

I’m in plastic pots. 2 gals.

I got nice 3 gallon ones from the hardware store down the strwet from me $3.99 each I’ve
Grown in both plastic
And fiber never noticed difference in the grow less mess that’s for sure