Never seen this one before

anyone have any ideas on what is the white/bleached looking spot/tips. it is irregular affected a tip, a vein and also is within the margin. one leaf is just white, the other is a slight grey. they are getting calmag and grow nutes at low doses. also some superthrive. the plant looks healthy otherwise. not much in the nutes to change now.
BDE x RKS from @DougDawson

If this is virus, i would like to remove the plant…


Don’t think it’s a virus no|nullxnull, could just be pH fluctuations… beer3|nullxnull



13 or 14 other plants, no real issues. one of the older seedlings did have a mag deficiency and another started getting a calcium defficiency. same feed for the rest. maybe just the plant itself not liking something.

Sometimes they just don’t play nice together.

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high quantity strain wrangling does seem to make some uglies.

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It could also be that you just damaged it. I do it all the time.

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i swear sometimes i think theyre super antisocial… i cram 20 of them in a 2x2 and they do not like each others company.


it looked ok yesterday, maybe the boogie man got to it over night.

Did you happen to rub against it with sweat? Or possibly drip water onto it while the lights were on?

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Looks like a water spot to me.


no, it was good last night when I checked last.

it didn’t get water on it, but water won’t do that. i’ve tested this many times. not sure why so many people say this…maybe it was a thing with HID.

i may be getting rootbound. it’s about transplant time.

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not at all.

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An elephant stepped on it.

Honestly LITFA unless it gets worse


I would LIFTA for a bit let it dry out .then return to normal programming noting how the plant reacts may need to increase nutrients