Odd discoloring and unhealthy plant

I have a bunch of plants, no problems. However, this one plant has been pretty bad since about a week old before even transplanting.

the grow is perlite hempy, sterile, 2 gal, gh floranova, peroxide about 28 days in veg.

This one has been a problem:

most look just fine:

looks great. the rest are basically like this:


The algae on top of the perlite on each pot relates to how sick each plant look , maybe

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Not saying algae is the cause , it’s just another sign of what’s going on in pot
Poor roots leading to excess water and food in some pots maybe , I’m not a hempy grower so unsure the cause or best quickest method to fix
Just helpin out till more experienced hempy growers bounce in : )


Just had a look at floranova grow

I see npk is 7-4-10 , abit low on p

Maybe a feed of bloom might help
P is for roots : )
Your calcium and mag levels good more so mag ?


i knew i should have covered up the algae. definitely not the algae. it comes and goes through veg. it will go by flower as I drop the humidity. it’s 100% coarse perlite so it can’t be overwatered. you can water this medium all day long every day and it’s ok. moreover, i have 7 other plants in this setup veging…you can see 6. the rest are just fine, that is important here.

i am trying to figure out why this one plant is behaving oddly. do the leaves resemble anything. they are light and have missing color in splotches. it could have been root bound when i initially move from small cup to the 2gal hempy, but that should sort itself at some point. this plant was like this in a small cup of coco at germ. it just never got better. Also, it is stretching like it’s a colombian land race. in the pick, it is bent down to about 60% height.

i am racheting up the calmag, but it’s had access to mag early on. i also use tap water. i do get a mag problem occasionally, but i can’t tell if it’s no enough cal mag or too much of something else.

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I noticed the purple stem on the problem plant are they the same strain was it purple from start and what are you feeding them? Thinking it could be excess phosphorus also the sign of algae at least means your ph is not to high.


I don’t see any burnt tips or clawing and I don’t here you adding any crazy amendments , so it’s probably safe to say now and again it’s a mag def ( some Epsom to mix or folier so as not to add anymore calcium from extra calmag , if calcium already abundant in tap plus existing calmag used )
: )


The first two pics, imo, they’re just hungry. Light green. That one with purple stems. The bottom two pics looks like they should be, right shade of green right there. Some plants are just hungrier than other’s. That one that’s complaining the most may just be your pariah. Canary in the coal mine type plant. Its the most sensitive to the nutes being off and showing you it needs more. The rest might need it too but just aren’t showing it.


the leds make them look more yellow than they are. they are deep green…except the one in question. i can up the nutes, but i will get a slight tip burn. the magnesium might be a good idea, the rest are fine, but maybe it needs a bit more.

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i’ll try adding the epsom salts instead of the calmag and see if that fixes it. its just a perlite hempy, so just grow nutes and peroxide, sometimes calmag. i will start up Si once i get through the LST on all the plants. once in bloom i use just basic bloom nutes again and do the koolbloom wet from week 3 and dry from about week 6 to ratchet down the N.

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ph is good. i use an apera and it gets tested in solution before each use. the algae is just from running higher humidity and watering a bit more frequently than the minimum…you can’t over water, but the top might not ever fully dry out enough to kill off the algae. if i raise the peroxide level or just spray the top it goes away. it will go away once they are drinking super fast anyway.

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I was wondering about these white blotches icon_e_confused|nullxnull, if the other plants are fine with same feed and conditions, could it be bug damage? Have you checked the back of those leaves for poop or eggs? Are roots alright? beer3|nullxnull


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i checked and i haven’t seen anything…i did have some issues in my garage setup in the last week. i had a couple worms on the leaves, but i caught them early. I also took some clones that had fungus gnats, but they can’t survive the peroxide and are all gone it seems…still, all that is very separated from this by space and time. this one has had this issue since about day 7 of veg before transplanting. it was just always unhealthy

it could very well be a root issue. if so, i might as well kill it. i don’t think it would be fixable. possibly got rootbound before transplanting.

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If you kill it you can check roots, I suspect it might be the problem, plant is not correctly assimilating nutes, those purple stems could be Phosphorous deficiency. I wondered if it could be the beguinning of a nutrient lock, but if pH is correct and the other plants healthy roots could definitely be the issue … beer3|nullxnull

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