New grower does this look right with the leaf twisted

New grower does this look right with the leaf twisted?


The one beside it looks worse. Show a picture of that one. It may help someone point you towards the issue.


Give us some more details.

Temperature with lights ON?
Nutes? and EC/concentration?

Ive seen that attributed to VPD (Vapor Pressure Deficit) which is basically too low a humidity for the temperature, and/or wrong PH.

Your leaf color looks ok, so I’m guessing your PH is not off that much.

You also have some wrinkling on the leaves, which is probably from the same cause.

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What they said… Could even be genetic, (specifically one on left) or do you guys think it is too small for it to be naturally doing the twist?

Genetic looking to me, but hard to say from a pic, just normal funkiness on leaf to me.

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Its a GG#4 seed at least that’s what they say.

My Humidity was low around 23% I’ve since now have it controlled at 60% with a temp of 74 20 on 4 off for the light setting. GG#4 is what they say the seed is.

If it’s GG4 then I would def say genetic. It is a trait and one of the ways of recognizing GG4 is by the leaf twist. From my experience with the JW cut. Haven’t grown it from seed.

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I seem to always have this with the first couple sets of leaves, then it tends to work itself out. The plant to the right of it though definitely looks like its got some issues although if the conditions are all the same, could just be genetics.


I think she will grow out of it


looks like a fine healthy baby to me …don’t worry its a baby and its got good color is not all stretched up and has no spots…looks happy