Seedling leaf defect - virus?

I’ve got 4 seedlings of the same strain, one of them has a scary-looking sick leaf - half yellowed and stunted - first two pics. The others all look fine. It looks like the next node is coming in normally.

I segregated the plant for now, I would just cull it but I’m curious what’s happening. If it’s a virus, where did it come from, there are no insects inside or out of the house. Is this a virus or maybe the leaf just got damaged from getting hit by the watering can or something? If the plant continues to grow normally should I still cull it?? even with the bad leaf it’s the most vigorous of the 4:



3 other seedlings of the same strain look fine:




I’ve had that occur from early growth on a single plant out of four. Don’t know if there was a virus from seed or just a mutant gene being expressed. Didn’t see any signs of insect damage either.

Ran them to completion just fine. I’d probably cull if there is a plan to create seeds or if you are particularly concerned with the possibility of spreading a virus.


To me it looks like a little Afghani leaf twist.
No worries, sometimes they start a little wonky but they will shake it off shortly.

The 1st two photos might have something different going on with the far leaf, can’t tell.
Check the underside of the leaf just to make sure there’s no critters



I’ve had it happen a few times, they seem to grow out of it. I generally figured its from hitting a hot spot of nutrient in the soil as it grows.


Don’t overthink it. The plants are just little babies - think of them that way. They are nothing like what they will become, they will happily grow under even the most adverse conditions and thrive just fine, and rarely what you predict will happen - does.

Give the plants a a month or so before judging them too harshly.


Looks fine to me

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Thanks for all the feedback!! It’s still growing fast and the next leaf set looks fine, I’m not going to worry about it.

This theory makes a lot of sense - it’s in Roots 707 which has big chunks of composty stuff in it, maybe the tap root just hit a clump of bat guano or something:

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I used 707 for a long time, still use it for peppers and tomatoes

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Slight seedling deformity is nothing to worry about-

Grow it :100: :ok_hand:

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I usually see the same thing with early leaf deformities or color discolorations, and they almost always grow out of it pretty quickly.