New growth doesn't look quite right

Could be that, given not all of them had that symptoms.

I should clarify all of them have the same symptoms across 3 cultivars

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My bad, misread you on that then. :slight_smile:

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I wonder about DLI. I’m somewhat still new to leds but I’ve ran hps,cmh and leds 24/7 while in veg and they didn’t seem to care one bit.

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My apologies sir I missed your reply somehow and I hope you got this issue figured out.

While I’m still only learning about this myself here recently, my personal experience is you can get away with it sometimes. When everything is dialed in, your temperature is on point, humidity is perfect, the watering is “chef kiss”. If I’m ever having an issue, dialing my light back can help slow the my plant down to correct for my errors.

I think of it this way, I’m not producing this stuff on a schedule, will it slow growth down? yes it can, but once the plants are healthy again I can ramp back up. I think a lot of the new growers feel like they are a commercial grow and have to over light these plants when this is just not the case.

Remember more light only helps if your environment is dialed in and in the home setting this can be difficult to do.


My env has never been aka dialed in, I mean I’ve done fairly decent but not extremes like some go to. And, I can say I’ve ran the light 24/7 in veg for extended periods without any issues whatsoever. A 18/6 saves on energy for sure. And, there’s a longtime debate on giving the plant some rest helps transport sugars etc …but honestly I’ve never seen too much light being a issue. Too intense of a light is a whole other story. I will say that my experience is limited and it’s only been with photos. I just got done moving autos outdoors , first time with autos, where they were indoors under my led light running 24/7 for over a month…no issues with the light.