Time flies by!

This is my first thread. I can’t believe it has been a year already.

It has been a very active year!

Shortly after I joined @CADMAN had a giveaway for us Newbies. I got my first og seeds, BubbleGum reg - auto’s.
I messed up the first I tried to germ. Then I drowned my first seedling’s that a fellow OG’er started for me. She was awesome and gave me my first light, fan and carbon filter.

After I got some going, we decided to move. Everything came down and went back to my friend. We did a stint of couch surfing and kids staying with friends. My seeds from @ReikoX had to go to my friends.

I am in a new house now. I have finally got everything settled in the new house. I have been working long hours but, I am going to try this growing thing again.


Send me a DM I’d you want me to send you a pack or two to play with.


She got them to me, I just didn’t have an address at the time, Ghost Rose.

Thank you again for your generosity @ReikoX.


hey congrats on your anniversary and good luck on the grow!!! i’ll keep an eye out for the updates!!


Awesome! Congrats, definitely a generous place with only the most positive vibes. Ghost Rose eh? That’s an epic one to start with, didn’t even know those were going around, I’ll be watching and always around to help if need be. Someone gave you a light, fan/filter ? Holy that’s even more O.G than I thought O.G got? Lol if that makes any sense :man_facepalming:t2: God I love this place.


Yep she converted to led and gave me her 315mch or mhc. I will have to look. The fan and filter are 4" and she bought new 6" stuff.


Some pretty solid members in this community. glad a buddy of mine reccomended it! Hope you can get the ball rolling again. nothing more peaceful than growing my friend. even if you only get a couple going for now. sending you solid grow vibes! :seedling:


Thank You!

I can’t wait for fall and trying again. If I can hold out.

:green_heart: :seedling:

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