Non Cannabis Garden Pictures

I just thought this was cool looking, nice way of creating outdoor space borders with rock and flowers.


Very appealing. Is it garden of yours?

No, I’m just working on some landscaping design concepts. I have a possible landscape project that could use something like this. I’m trying to get my mind out of the linear designs.

Its artsy gardening…

Pineapple express


Indoors? In Alaska?
Salud…y fiyah!!


Just the other day I’ve found video about rooting old (and eaten) pineapple. Its pretty fascinating that it is so easy, just tearing off leaves from the bottom part of the crown and submersing into water (they also let it dry for few days before submersing).

Sadly in our northern climate it is not possible to grow them to fruit :frowning:


Looks good!. Fun little project right?.

I got enough room in my nursery… I might put a pineapple in there for fun.

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I look at your thread all the time… you have an amazing garden .

Thought I might make my own thread for us normal people .:slight_smile:

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