Small grows in my small apartment

hey i wanted to share all of my gardens

This is behind the couch. I built a garden from 1x3 spruce, man. It’s a blurple lamp, but that’s ok.

I want to share my other garden but I am limited by the technology of my time, lol. Nah I just… my phones dead. brb


Umm I think that I saw basil, rosemary, parsley, maryjane… and some others I am unable to identify.

Good garden.

Happy growings!


Nice garden :dizzy: :herb: :seedling: happy growing

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Looks good


I think that’s sage in the far corner, next to the rosemary. I believe the plant in the red pot in the center and the one to it’s left are inedible house plants whose names I do not recall, and of course that’s a cactus (perhaps a “christmas” cactus?)(or is it a euphorbia?) behind the basil. Then there’s the tall plant to the far left who’s name I don’t recall either, or maybe I’m shittin’ myself and never knew it to begin with.

Nice garden!


Good going!
Glory is yours!

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Make do with what you have, nice little setup!

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I had a 2x2x2 one time. :joy:
Looks great.

:popcorn: pulls up a chair…

I also live in a dumb apartment. It hasn’t said a fucking word in over 25 years! rofl

Besides being dumb, our place is also tiny. I couldn’t have an indoor garden even as small as yours. Our apartment is just a hair over 600sf. Yours any larger, or is it cramped quarters for you too?

Just a nosy old man, here! blush


My apartment is so small that my veg and flower cabs are both in the bedroom at the expense of clothing storage.

I have made it work but it’s a bit unorthodox.


ha yea the apartment isn’t that dumb, really, I have 3 gardens in like… idk square feet but a basic low end concrete hab block unit.

So, I had to to a total reboot a few weeks ago, a second round of bug killing + a total scrub down for PM

It seems to have worked! Here it is now:

Ganja wise there are 2 Hindu Kush bonsai mums, one is for my buddy, 1 vegging “The White OG” (to flower in a 2x2, far right), and one NL Auto. There is also a tiny White Widow behind one of the HK, only a few days old.

Small pots are jalapenos… cause I’m just gonna mess around and see how early I can plant outside on the balcony. Climate change experiment. How early is too early? (SW Ontario)

In the humidity domes are 3 WOG, 4 lemon seeds that I am about to give up on. I have two baby lemons also.

So check out this noob that I am:

I didn’t realize promix hp cc was… well basically hydro in a pot… so I was losing stuff from underfeeding and well… I felt bad about it, but no more!

That’s a Hindu Kush… it actually looks crappier than this cause the leaves are bleeeeeeached from starvation…

figured it out in time to save the buds but there will be no sugar on the trim.

I love mini gardens, they’re really holistic and with LEDs I mean it’s too much fun.

Thanks for checking it out!


F*** them clothes! Can’t smoke a jacket! :grinning:


My friend lives in a tiny house and I have been trying to get him to grow and that is what I told him. I hope my smart assness didn’t offend you

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@Foreigner I know that feel man!

not gonna show you too close lol


Seems we have similar issues lol



ha that is genius I love it, I only get like 5 hours of sun tops at the peak of summer… :frowning:

I make it work though, awesome space!

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I took some photos, I wanted to get some takes here…

This is Hindu Kush at 54 days. Outside of the range of 45 days but whatever, so. Do I…

it is like 25% amber tricks, will it get fatter? Do buds swell right at the end or is that stoner science?


Better setup than mine. I ain’t got one :frowning:

She’s still got lots of time to go.

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