Nutrient tea without an air pump

So because you have the same leaf discoloration top to bottom definitely a nutrient deficiency issue imo, otherwise you would see damage on one area of the plant and not others. Initially you said the PH was good so I ruled that out. Next most likely would have been salt build up causing lockout, not very likely though given you aren’t using liquid nutrients. There are only a few deficiencies that can cause that yellowing from the outside in, described below, before I get all wordy I would check ph, magnesium nitrogen in that order good luck with it :v:

Many of the nutrients that would cause this discoloration are micro nutrients, sulfur zinc iron, the discoloration doesn’t exactly fit these and these usually only occur if you have ph issues, but ph is also the easiest thing to fix

When growing purely organic like you are with no supplements, I’ve generally found you gotta add magnesium every 4ish weeks, epsom salt

Plants use more nitrogen again as they ripen, again not super common but this discoloration pretty closely aligns minus the burnt leaf tips which aligns more with Mag, I don’t like putting manure on my plants so I used to start in a pretty neutral soil and then transplant into something hot so there’s plenty on N left at the end, I think an easy example is going from like happy frog for seeds to ocean forest for flowering

I wasn’t able to find “The Rev”. I think I need more keywords :slight_smile:

I am unable to find the PDF, anywhere that says it has it tries to get me to install a bunch of BS first. If anyone has the PDF they could send I would appreciate it.

I have been considering getting some Kelp to add to my mix

Thank you for the detailed answer. I didn’t use epsom salt but It did get a dose of roots organic calmag once and maybe twice, have to check the log.

Thanks for sharing the links to the various Gia Green methods, I will take them into consideration and compare to my current plan.

Plants look great in 2 gallon pots, nice work!

Thanks everyone for taking the time to give me such good detailed answers, I have a lot of reading to do. What a fun journey this is with my growmies!


@Greenup here you go:


@Dirt_Wizard Thanks buddy. I ended up getting the Bonanza of Green from a friend. I don’t have a scribd account and i used my free trial years ago. I think i would rather buy that in paperbook on amazon for $25 than give scribd $10 a month. Does the author get anything from scribd anyway?

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I don’t think they do! You could also try that’s where I download most of my books

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Sorry, The Rev wrote True Living Organics. He uses ‘nutriment spikes’ and various teas to supplement his plants, I messed around with his approaches for a while before simplifying and just going to 5 or 7 gallon cloth pots.

You are right.
I don’t know what has been changed with the Google search engine but I cannot find a simple PDF download site (at least one that doesn’t require you to give them an Email and a DNA sample…)
It’s 25 meg so too large for an attachment here. (I tried :laughing:)



My first thought was maybe a powerhead from the aquarium hobbyists.
Then I remembered seeing this: and thought wow, I if someone could use this to make tea.
I have not used this for that, myself.

A little update on these doomed Kush plants… I gave it 2 more weeks and babied it, still no real improvements. They pretty much look exactly the same as the photo from 2 weeks ago. maybe a few less leaves if that is possible.

They have hardly been watered in 2 weeks because they are hardly drinking. I did make up a tea for them 2 weeks ago. I don’t see things getting better and being worth it in another 5 weeks. So unless anyone has a convincing argument on why to keep these alive, I must kill them to make room for more promising pupils that are over due for a flip to flower.

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