Octopot , clones , seeds , mainlining , grafting and mothers

well, you’re a little late my friend I no longer pass out anything anymore because I’ve been fucked over so many times and I’m tired of it

why don’t you ask top shelf trees? He has all my cuts.

now anybody who wants to meet up in person face-to-face that’s a different story and I’ll give up everything I have


No hard feelings @Jetdro . You sent me some Mac1 cuts with the volcano. You haven’t ever wronged me, or anyone I’ve known on here. I’m already in process of lining up those exact cuts. Thanks for sharing them around so they’re available. My whole goal of the envelope method wast to make cuts accessible and cheap to send, but also across the border with no customs declaration. It’s been way successful.

If I was closer to Texas…


If we were closer I’d stop buy for a lone star and a shot of Bourbon with you
One day I’m going to az to visit a friend I’d definitely stop on the way just to say hello



Forgot you bought that, and i gave you Mac, cool! Still running her??? I spread ICC WC n GMO round nuff for you to be able to find it.


rhino_buddy is a gem. and we will all get jets ICC and WC even apple fritter one day thanks to his generosity! all i know is if i received them almost 2 years ago everyone in canada would have them by now lol.


Appreciate the kind words @204medismoke . 🫶🏼

I have Mac in the stable still. :metal:t3: Frosty beast she is. Can’t wait to get my hands on those cakes. And the Volcano gets some use too. Appreciate you friend!


The clones are taking their ever loven time I rooted
Only 5 for this next run have rooted and 3 just look sad :cry:

So I’m taken the opportunity to do some improvement on the room
Hanging yo-yo’s now so not to worry about support later also knowing the plants better I can place the monsters where I want them

I hung a light bar in a dark spot

Installed a shelf for a fan , under the canopy for better circulation

Clean clean and clean

I was going to set up the Octopots but it is getting hot :hot_face: in the garage so break time

I picked some seeds from my chuckys bride project
3 each I’d cb , cb x cap junky and cb x wedding cake
Let’s see what they do
All seeds looks good tiger stripes and a good size
So we shell see

It seems the cuts from ICC and WC and cb doesn’t want to root 14 days and still counting if I remember the last time I rooted them they took 18 to 20 days so we will wait patiently😤

I really shouldn’t mind the wait it’s hot so I’d personally rather be in veg in the heat then in flower
So small plants veg July and of August and flip end of August just may work out
Figuring that all my cuts still haven’t rooted yet
Oh well


Man I have the same issues the last 2-3 cloning operations, it seems to take forever for some strains. I haven’t changed my routine but some strains can take like 5 days one time and the same strain can take up to 20 another time. Maybe the moon wasn’t standing right or the mommy was on her period… lol

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Sky hooks lol yo-yo’s

Fan and shelf installed below the canopy for better circulation

Additional light for that dark spot


Nice work paps!


I need to do a little wire management lol
Ty brother


Just keep em from the floor everything else is manageable :rofl:

What about them hooks that stick on the wall and if you need to remove them you just pull the tab and they don’t damage wall , for hanging pictures advertised on tv type late at night
: )


I think they’re called power strips at least here in Germany. Do you mean those @ifish?


Yes , you nailed it I think
Is there a silicon tab that’s attached to the silicon glue , you pull it down and the glue releases from the wall so no damage if you ever want to remove them ? @mndlss

They would make wire tidying fun , well fun ish

Wire tidying when done deffo looks great , very satisfying


Command strips is the brand here @ifish


Jup, that’s the stuff I mean. You should stay away from the cheaper ones. I had some stuff coming off the wall or windows at very bad timings lol


Rolling up a bath towel and stuffing it behind the headboard should help with that @mndlss
: )


No it don’t work wrist and ankle restraints on the bed post don’t make it easy to silence


morning papa