GTA’s Grow Diary

After several failed grows in a row, I packed up my tent and stored it away. I was disappointed with how everything was going. Not only in my grow, but in my personal life as well. Now, I’m back. I dusted off the ole Mars Hydro tent and the FC-3000. Ordered a new AC Infinity carbon filter and set it all up again. This time with the carbon filter on the outside of the tent so I can raise my light higher if I need to.

@NDNCHILD sent me a clone of GFOG through the mail and that really inspired me to start doing my thing again. I’m coming out of retirement!!!

Isn’t that a beautiful sight?🥲

Now I have this clone, I’m growing it into a mother plant. I have another location I can put her in once the time comes but for now she’s gonna be in the tent. Now onto other business.

I need help choosing what genetics I should run from seed out of my thinned out collection (I give a lot of seeds away) I’m tempted to do a seed run of the Sweet Creek me and my brother made years ago. I only have 4 seeds and it would delay the GFOG clone run but I can’t decide.

If not that, then I need your guys’ help with choosing what I should run from seed.

Disregard the Sour Grape, it’s empty lol.


I would run that Dragons :dragon: Blood :drop_of_blood: Hashplant next. :+1::wink::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Or the Garland v1.

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Hey!:wave:t3: @GrowTheAtlas You know I’ll be sitting in on this one! Happy to see you’re getting back in the game and you’re coming in swinging! Not really sure I had anything to do with that at all but I’m happy to see it nonetheless! :facepunch:t3: Not gonna comment on the seed decision as I’m no good at that part. I’ve taken to blindly pointing at stuff at this point. :rofl: Or did before the clone wars! Now I just clone everything and there aren’t as many decisions to be made. :grin::man_shrugging:t3: Happy growing, my friend. I hope that GFOG does ya proud! :fist:t3:🪶🪶


Bro trust me, you’re the reason I decided to do this lol if it wasn’t for that cut, the grow would still be in totes


Well damn! Now I really hope that GFOG does ya proud! :flushed: :grin: Thanks for saying so, bud! That really makes my day! Very happy to have helped. Always around or not gone for long if ya ever need a chat. :facepunch:t3::fist:t3::v:t3::vulcan_salute:t3:🪶🪶


Ok how do I make a poll? Lol I’ve narrowed it down to something Bodhi or something from an OGer

Is it under the little wrench thingy? Never made a poll before.

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Which ones lol
  • Deep Line Alchemy 11
  • More Cowbell v2
  • Dragons Milk
  • DBHP
  • Garland f2 v1
  • Garland f2 v3

0 voters


I’m gonna save the rest for another day but those are the current options I’m looking at


If memory serves me correctly, those DBHPs produce “Bleeders” fairly consistently. You may be in for a wonderful surprise. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yeah I remember when the preservation run was going on and there were plenty bleeders lol


Ah… now I can participate as I can just point blindly! :rofl:


Yes sir lol it really doesn’t matter to me which ones out of those I grow, but I wanna grow something that the community will enjoy watching

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Can never go wrong with Bodhi. Even the Bodhi haters are secretly Bodhi fans. :joy:


Someone can be a Bodhi hater??? Lol I’ve never personally grown any of his gear. Tbh I didn’t know about him until I joined OG


Never really seen one in the wild… was just theorizing. :man_shrugging:t3:


Well it looks like DBHP is winning but I’ll let the voting continue to give the rest of them a chance

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I can’t help by eye those Sour Bubble. They were beautiful plants but not on your vote, lol.


Those are too special for me to pop at the moment. They’re everything I love in cannabis. But I’m just getting back into the rhythm of things and don’t wanna screw those up because I only have that pack lol