Kraken's Grow

Hey guys, been a lurker for a while now and decided to make my first post and introduce myself.

Ive been growing for a few years and decided I wanted to start learning more about breeding, I figured what better way than to try and grow my own beans, Just for fun and to give to a few buddy’s to run if they are in need.

A little background on what I’m crossing, Currently we are 17 days into flower with the female cut of “Donatello” from a local breeder. The male is an unknown bag seed that I decided to keep that I lovingly call “Atlas”, I liked his flower structure and the over ease of grow.

Here is a picture of Atlas. I’m learning as I go but it was pretty cool to see a male in full bloom.

My current set up is small, Im a smoker but not heavy so I can get away with doing fun projects like this. As of now Im in a 2x3 with a divider, perfect for personal smoke. clone, veg and keep small mom plants in one side and flower in the other.

flower side has 200W Bestva Pro and the veg side running a 100w Bestva aswell. Great little setup. My only complaint is the tent divider, its trash and needs a re design, but it does the job.

This is where we are currently at 17 days in to flower with Donna “Donatello”

I plan on only pollinating a few of the lesser branches should be plenty for me.
I figured I would bring you guys along with me as I learn, any and all questions or comments are welcome. I plan on pollinating between day 21 and 28.


I agree Arriba, also starting with pollen chucking so that has also changed my sentiments against males :sweat_smile:, willing to see how you manage the situation … beer3|nullxnull


Lol, Im hoping I get a few dozen seeds and not a full tent. Some serious learning and possibly a train wreck is about to go on. fingers crossed.


Day 18

Im thinking day 21 should be good to go, What do you all think? I’ve heard between weeks 3 and 4.


Depends on flowering time of the strain. Sativas could be pollinated till nowhere;)

Think next week is fine


Decided that tonight will be the night to pollinate and pulled the pollen from the freezer to give it plenty of time to thaw. My process for harvesting the was a bit flying by the seat of my pants and I chose to do it 2 ways.

First as the male flowers started to open, I collected pollen by shaking the branches over aluminum foil and picking the flowers out. I did this for a few days until I had satisfied my itch.

Then when cutting the plant down. I took all the flowers and put them in my trim bin. Let them dry out and shook them over the bin. This will be the method I use from here on out. I don’t have a picture of this process but if your thinking about a Trim Bin. Its a great product.

Placed both baggies I had collected and double bag them, put them in a mason jar with some uncooked rice in the bottom and put the jar in the back of my freezer on April 4th.

I dropped the ball and forgot to label what bag was collected for which method. Hopefully the pollen I choose to use will be viable either way.

Here is a mid flower picture of the male before most of the sac started to open.

His sad looking leaves are due to lack of airflow and ventilation in the tent, at this point I had turned off all the fans because fear of pollen through out the house.


Day 20 - Trichomes already starting to show half way up the leaves. I’m pretty excited for this plant. She is already smelling of sweet berries.


Well last night after, letting the pollen thaw it appears that the pollen I had collected was not completely dry prior to freezing. It was as if it became pollen paste. I’m still going to attempt to use it but I’m almost positive it will be bad.

so since I only have one tent, I will be moving this project outside. although its too late in the season to get a large plant. I can most certainly stick my male outside and and let him pollinate some other clones I have floating around.

this will include, Donatello, Super Boof, and a Ghost OG. But more than likely our indoor seed run is a fail due to the moist pollen.

I will still share updates on my current flowering plant and if the pollen had any life.

To be continued.


Day 22


Small update - I haven’t given up on this project. We will get seeds one way or another. I do things a
little unorthodox due to space limitations. As I mentioned above all I have space currently is a 2x2 flowing tent and a 1x2 area that I veg and clone in until the flower side is clear. For me this works fine but finding myself wanting to do more projects with the plants I have a little staging area out side our window that I keep plants that I’m waiting to root a clone from. Currently this is where I keep a small clone of our male plant Atlas.

This being my first ever male clone that Ive held Ive noticed they seem to be much harder to keep alive long term. He had to go outside because he will open up pollen sacs even when not in flower. But I’m going to try and use this to my advantaged to get a few seeds. I collected a few of his open sacs in an attempt to pollinate our Donatello cut “Donna” again tonight.

Currently 24 days into flower she is looking well other that some rust colored markings that have shown up.

I will take more images tonight and would love your guys opinion what you may think is wrong.

You can see it in this image a little.

To my knowledge it could be one of 3 things.

magnesium deficiency, calcium deficiency or rust fungus which is what I believe it to be.

I had my humidity and temperature meter screen go out when I replaced the meter, the humidity in that tent was in the 70s. The room the grow is located is only at 55 percent or so. I decided to turn up the exhaust fan and keep track of it. I plan on defoliating soon so I will rid the tent of the affected leaves. It should help with humidity also with less transpiration.

She should have plenty of food, and micro nutrients in the soil. I use well water and haven’t ran into this with plants in the past.

I’m a pretty lazy gardener and don’t like to correct mid run, so I may just let it feel its self out and correct the next time around if found to be something else. Im may also do a worm casting tea on the next watering. I like to just see how they work in my garden. I thinking this is just human error though.

By the way, Current cuts I have in my stable.

Altlas - Unknown male

SuperBoof - Female

Donatello - Female

Ghost OG - Not the actual cut but from seed, never flowered it, could be trash, have pulled a lot of herms from them, It was my first genetic I ever grew and I’m determined to find a good female from the seeds I have left.


What are you guys thinking? its been a few days, I not going to stress it, humidity is back under control.

Day 25 flower update - This girl seems like something special already, super frosty for the stage of growth. Super fruity, I want to say blueberry or raspberry.


After Defoilation

I also re-pollinated with fresh pollen. We should get something now.


Looks like pH fluctuations to me, don’t think it’s any kind of mould, defolation was a wise move anyway, plants look great … beer3|nullxnull



Thanks George I think your spot on with that one. It will have to buffer itself then. Thank your for the reply.


Thought about a ship wreck instead because of your member name … :sweat_smile:


Someone gave me the tip to start flowering the male two weeks after the ladies, so sounds good …

Have you measured his pH? icon_e_confused|nullxnull

I’ll be following but tag me if needed … beer3|nullxnull


I haven’t checked. I honestly haven’t used a ph pen in years. I’m sure your correct. Hoping it will just straitened itself out, they usually will if left alone. I’m the lazy gardener. Lol. Let nature take its coarse.


So far flowering well. Bit the pollination is did not go as plan. A ship wreck indeed. :laughing:


This is AWESOME! I feel like right now, there’s a bunch of new breeders/chuckers trying their hand at creating genetics. I commented on another’s first-timer post today, and I myself am working on my first chucking project :metal:

The plants look GREAT, nice work. You’re obviously well studied :+1::+1::heart:


Thanks rookie, I try my best with the tools available. I’m still myself a pretty novice grower in my eyes so much more to learn. I do alot of things people tell you not to do just to see if it’s bs or not. From what I’ve seen people are just overly cautious. Which i can understand if your trying to have consistent, repeatable harvests but this is personal smoke for friends and family. Have a little fun with it. You know what I’m saying?

This is an amazing community of people. I’ve been on other forums and I just feel out of place or ever ones ego gets in the way.

I’m just here to grow Cannabis l, make friends and teach people what I can and learn from those who came before me.

Not sure how to reply to a specific part of your reply but do you have a grow journal started on here? I would love to check it out.


I couldn’t agree more :+1::+1:


Day 26 - Day after major defoilation

It always amazes me what these plants will take and come out stronger on the other side.

My tent was running nearly 70 RH (relitive humidity) before the defoilation and now it’s running low to mid 50s just from removing leaves and turning up the exhaust fan. Works great if you need to drop RH and you don’t have a de-humidifier.
This only works if the room your in has a low enough rh to get you where you need to be.

I have one…I’m just to lazy to pull it out and those lower buds needed light anyways.

Just some information for myself as a reminder and if anyone was wondering. I was at about 75 % power on my 200w bestva pro a few days ago. I just bumped to 100% to see if she can handle it. If I see any issues I will back it back down.

Edit : What sounded good in my head looked dumb on paper :rofl: