Oklahoma Grower's, UNITE!

Hello friend’s.

Oklahoma native (Not Native) here, born and raised. I’m a younger cat, but I have a lot of love, and passion for the plant.

This may be the complete wrong section to post this in, and if so, by all means, shut her down haha.

I’m interested in meeting or forming a small tight knit group of individuals that drive each other. Or just learn from one another, and pass some amazing genetics back and forth.

I am currently in the middle of a move, and preparing to welcome a new member into the family come April. All of that being said, I am eager to find a group of like minded individuals, that could be like an extension of family, or just be really great friends, as well as learn from each other as we grow.

Super excited to be pulling down my outdoor here in the next couple of weeks.

Anyone interested, would love to hear maybe where abouts you are from, in OK, your history with the plant, and any pollen chucking, or breeding you’ve tried your hand at, or done! Would love to pick people’s brain with more experience, or just provide a table, for all of them to sit at, and just sit and soak up the info that flows abundantly between them.

I’m getting a little wordy, I’ve had quite a bit of infused oils today, haha.

A little bit about myself, I’m fairly young, and what I would consider new to growing. I haven’t been doing it for longer than 4-5 to years. I have, however, been passionate about the plant since I was fourteen years old, since the first time I smoked it. Hell, even before I smoked it. I remember my first year of highschool, thinking, I’m going to find someone that I can score some herb from. Not at all knowing, at the time, how fully She would consume my thoughts, my mind, and my life. Haha. Not in a bad way either, but what I can only imagine most others in my life, would consider a frustrating, and dead end road, way that She did. I don’t think that there’s been a time for more than a few days, in the last seventeen years since, that I haven’t smoked, eaten, vaped, dabbed, or ingested in some way, shape or form. Aside from when I had gotten into some legal trouble, not related to cannabis, and was on random drug testing for a year. And even then, I still smoked once a month right after my piss tests. (Side rant, that’s a hilarious thought to behold now that I do think back. I would smoke after my piss tests, I would pay 20 bucks for a gram of some “Dank” and it was, and at the time, I was a blunt smoker, so I would roll the whole gram into a blunt. I would find one of my friends that would let me come over to smoke. I would smoke the first 1/4 of the blunt, with my friends, then I would get so high, and paranoid, that I would leave in the middle of the blunt smoking, and give them the whole blunt, and rest of the sack if there was any, cause I was too nervous and stoned and paranoid to get caught up or in trouble… Ah… ahaha.) I started getting an interest in growing in probably 2016, I didn’t start until a couple years later, on account of an ex-wife, court, custody and just responsibilities in general, but I live, obviously in the great state of Oklahoma, and thus my journey began, shortly after them legalizing medical here. I started from humble beginnings, in a PVC frame, that I made from scrap I had from plumbing, and some mylar space blankets. Shortly after my first run and finish, with negligible results for flower, in my home made tent, a friend of mine from a discord server I used to be active on got together with a few other friends, and they threw down, and got an AC Infinity 2x4 for me, that showed up to my door one day. I then secured a light, and an exhaust, and the rest of the fixings and was on my way. I think I probably got about 4 or 5 runs in, before I did my first intentional pollination. Which I actually hit a Feminized Auto flower, with a Reg Photo Male. Incidentally, after learning what I have, so far, I realized that I didn’t actually have much of a desire to grow Auto flowers at this point, much less work with them, in breeding. I did grow out a few of that first cross, and it’s interesting how some of them seem almost finished at the end of week six.

That being said, I’ve been more focused on a few things that a friend of mine had made, and then made a few things myself. Did some pollinations of a friends tried and true cut of Guptilla recently, and cannot wait to pop those beans.


Hello fellow Oklahomie. Yes you have a few paisanos around here.

This post should probably go in the community subforum Community - Overgrow.com


Hey hey, glad to have you here. Looks like it has been moved. Excited to see what comes of all of this. This is some seeds from the second to last pollination I did. Got a pack of Koffee Mug from a friend, from Dutch Blooms, over at regenerativeseedco. Popped 5 beans, had 4 females, all different Pheno’s, and one male, interestingly enough the male, was short and squatty, with HUGE fans with decent width blades. So I’m currently running some Koffee Mug F2’s and some (Jelly Pancakes x Koffee Mug) or what I have been calling Continental Breakfast outside. These are about 10 days ago. Very excited to see and grow some of the other Koffee Mug crosses out. The F2’s have so much variation it’s insane


Hey folks I’m sure that this probably hasn’t been watched much. I haven’t been super active and that’s just a life thing haha. Anyway here are some shots of some Garlic Goat x Koffee Mug, that a friend grew 12/12 from seed. Ended up pretty cool little experience for him.


Okc right here! Goin to work now but later tonight I’ll share some pics of mines, currently hunting sativa genetics


I got some bag of oranges and bag of oranges x white widow from a guy doin a preservation run top right and bottom left are boo top left is boo x ww, bottom right blue dream Ive been growing it a while, these are day 7 of flower


Very nice man! I dig it. I’m in Norman. Haha. Looks like you’ve got it going on in there. Curious to what they’re looking like now @Jonesfamily7715

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I just put the 54w pure uv T5 in there today


Have you used supplemental UV before? If yes, did you notice a difference with a previously grown cut?

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I personally think yes, but it’s not dramatic and I think you can get similar results just blasting a good spectrum in a good environment, tho I can’t prove it. those t5 pure uv are 75% uvb and 25% uva, from what I read you need the uvb for good thcv production in sativas that able to produce it.


I’ve used UV a couple times. In the HID light days, I would put reptile lights during flower. Since switching to LED lights a few years ago, I tried UV one time when i found a good deal on some LED UV lights, but they were too powerful and I put too many. It stressed the plants, and there were red, yellow, orange colors. They were clones that I had run before indoor and outdoor, and they never had those colors, just that one time.

You can see one of the lights in the top left corner of the tent. I think I had 8 in there and they were 25 watts each.


What up Okies! Im from okc. Nice to meet yall. Amazing grows. Beautiful ladies.