Old gardener - new tricks

My first time trying these, so I keep a close eye on progress. Somango XL from Queen. Germinated in a 1/3,1/3,1/3 mix of sheep manure, peat moss and vermiculite. Sprouted in two days. Shell of seed was stuck so I lifted it off with tweezers so the leaves wouldnt curl. True leaves after about five days. Transplanted into large yogurt tubs after two sets of true leaves. Grey mildew formed on surface of soil, so I treated with cinnamon as an antifungal. On a power timer for 18/6 light/dark. I brush the tops daily to simulate wind (no fan). Heat on at about 24’C all day. I just trimmed the top two leaves today to start branching. Ill pull the side branches to the edges to spread it out. Great growth so far. Excited with this plant. Ive only ever grown vegetables. :slight_smile:




I’ll be watching! Good luck.

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Taking a seat here… Cheers!

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Cool Mr.Mac07.I too am a vegetable grower who likes to dabble with the Flower.I will be watching your journey along with these guys. Peace and tranquillity to you.

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that mildew you speak of is actually mycellium letting you know things are living and decomposing. its good, no need to treat anything.