First grow. I love watching her progress


You got any information on the strain? Going by the leaf shapes it’s leaning heavily on the Indica side :ok_hand:


Def an indica dom! Keep us posted and congrats on the new grow!

Stop in and say Hi to the community!


It’s definitely an indica. Super skunk feminized photo. Will definitely keep you guys up on the progress. I’m new to the forum and still learning how it works so if my replies are in weird places… lol

Yes. It is super skunk. Indica dominant.

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You may wanna be careful about getting those water droplets all over the plant like that. Those droplets act like a magnifying glass; if your light is intense enough, the leaves’ll get burned.


@minitiger Thank you for the advice!! I’ve never thought about that. Watering has definitely been the most nerve racking about the whole process. There are so many things that can go wrong :grimacing:


I never understood why so many people have so much trouble with the watering process. It’s pretty easy. Just lift up that solo cup every other day; if it feels light, water. In something that small, I’d probably just give it four tablespoons.

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@minitiger I’m just super nervous about over/under watering. I guess it’s because there’s so much conflicting info out there and the symptoms of both are so similar.


What’s your soil mix?

I’m using fox farm ocean forest

Keep an eye on them, that soil is kinda rich for seedlings, a lot of them get burned by that stuff. Happy frog is a great soil for seed starting, enough nutes in it to get them to transplant


Yeah, I’ve heard that about Ocean Forest. I’ve always just planted directly in my soil mix (Coot’s) and never had an issue, but I guess Fox Farm puts “hotter” amendments in their mix or something?

Yeah, just looked, they put bat guano in their mix. That must be what’s making it so hot.

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Welcome @Meezy! I just started my first seedling too!

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