Mail Order Bride / Cooky Cream / Mikey Dread Official

When you read this I hope it finds you in good spirits! Peace and Blessings.

A bit about myself… Mikey Dread, Half Spanish / Jamaican, I’m a Stone Growers Society Member, my crews grow club in Canada. I’m off the wall, a bit eccentric, I embrace the wild and wonderful in life, I’m a graphic designer, yes that’s me in my profile pic.

I serve the plant, have risked my life and safety for it, loved it and breed it. She is the love of my life after my lady and kids.

I started growing over 30yrs ago, The first strains I even grew were from a headshop in London Ontario, My mentor, got turned down at the counter when he asked for some seeds, mind you he did look like a cop, moustache and all but being a smart dude, asked me to go and see if they would sell it to me, who wont sell seeds to the dread? I remember going to car with the tubes of seeds, each had a label inside, I only can recall 4 strains NL, ATF, Kush, Skunk, we grew them all out and had our own cannabis cup.

Fast forward to the present day, “Organic Rasta Man Growing” is what I do, all natural, nothing but the god stuff. Also don’t take me too serious, my journal will be filled with the madness that is me.

I hope you enjoy this journal. Now where did I put them pics? hmmm…


Nice intro and I’m looking forward to the madness :grin:


Sounds like fun!

I’ll park it on the stump and start loading the party bong. :vulcan_salute: :smile:



Yes @MikeyDread ! I’m gonna be watching! Positive vibrations to you and your grow!:peace_symbol:


Taking a seat and packing a bowl, looking forward to some @MikeyDread journaling!

:v: :v: :v: :v:


Following along @MikeyDread, wishing you a great grow brother! :grinning::+1:


Looking forward to seeing what pops up!


Much respect to all, happy to have you here

Peace and Blessings.

I was gifted these great crosses by @SativaKid and asked to give them a run.

Mail Order Bride is Landrace Thai x Caramel Cream

Cooky Cream is GSC x Caramel Cream

I run a 2x4 tent for flower plus a 2x2 for veg and a small area for seedlings, I run perpetual, I try to keep 8 total, 4 in flower 4 in veg, rinse and repeat. I do have a medical licence for 25 plants.

I refer to my plants as “she” and “her”.

The seeds are fem, I grow a lot of regulars so I’m usually hoping that she’s a lady Tom Jones 1971, so its refreshing to pop some fem’s for a change. I threw them on the rotation, popped 2 of each picked the ones “I likes” no problem with germination, did the 24hr soak in water and into paper. Taproots in a couple days.

Stage ! - In nanoseconds we arrive, Israel Adesanya, The Last Soilbender, my mix. Primal Earth is the soil base, I added shrimp and peat moss compost, then earth worm castings. I top dress my plants with a old recipe that was handed down by my friends dad, who grows in the mountains where they have RKS from 1985…lol I use Gaia Green powdered amendments that I buy from the grow shop.

The Landrace Thai (LT moving forward) picked up speed pretty fast from seed and was super healthy. She wasn’t needy and I really didn’t do much at this early stage, just water and watch. She started to develop a nice structure and I wanted to get her out of the cup, I could feel she was starting to get hungry and a bit cramped.

Cooky Cream, (CC moving forward) 1st round of seeds I received took a beating by the post, seed dust with a few shattered shells. No fault of the sender just bad karma. But the 2nd round of blessings came through no problem.

CC started a bit slow as I think I was a bit heavy handed on the water, but she showed no change in color wasn’t affected for the most part, dried out and really started to pick up speed. I felt I let the LT go in the solo cup for a bit too long so I decided to transplant her out of the cup at the same time. I can see that the CC structure is real tight at the moment, will be interesting to see how she progresses.

Stage 2 of vegetation coming shortly.

Bless MD


Yo! Mik-eee!
Looks like a great start.
Glad to have you around, I’m sure you’ll like it here. Bunch of great people.


Love it!
Natural Organic Growing with MikeyDread…

We have all admired your creativity in your designs and now we get to see your eccentric Wild and Wonderfull Canna grow’s.

Count me in brother… :call_me_hand:


Nice soil mix.

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i’m happy to be watching along in the corner here as a new grower.

i’m curious @MikeyDread, how long were these plants in your solo cups before transplant? their root systems look so healthy! are you feeding them any mycos?


I hope all is well Mikey?

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