Oleskool’s Shitkicker Grow Show redux

we gonna’ finance that bill by funneling the wall money your way or what? 2 months till summer!

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sounds a good reason to smoke a fat one …hoping it gets better soon.

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Trouble comes in three’s…


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Hey there. Crisis is over. I have hot water again. What a mess. There are 6 Trainwreck AC and 6 Grandaddy Purple popped and planted. That’s one tent full. If all works out I’m gonna fill another tent with Mother’s Milk. I’m gonna stuff the Auto tent with as many 2 gallon pots as I can fit. Kind of a SOG Auto run. That will keep me busy until it starts getting HOT!



You didn’t get one of those “special” electric bills, I hope. Damn, I gotta bite my desire to say stuff.

Glad you got the water. Sort of important. I like the sound of that mix you’ll have going. They should be blessed from here on out. Unless summer shows up uninvited. peace :v:

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I’m afraid we are in for a record hot summer. I hope I’m wrong but that seems to be the trend. 80 degrees today. 6 degrees one week ago. Texas Weather! Be safe my friend.

Blessings… :cowboy_hat_face::chile:


Lost all of these in the Great Texas Freeze Out. 🥲🥲😭


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Ouch! That really sucks dude! Hopefully you have backup seeds or cuts you sent out. Glad you made it through yourself though

It’s snowing here again today and supposed to for the next two days as well. They’ve been all over the map with the forecast. It started a few days ago with with a forecast of 3 today, 3 tomorrow, then 8 the next and another 2 or three the next.

So, it goes up and down. This morning they had backed off to call it 1/2 inch today. Well, It hasn’t stopped all morning and got a little heavier. We’re around 3-4 now and steady snowing, lol. Temp has been right at 28º all morning so not so much cold but slushy roads and steady snow. We’ve really had a lot of snow this year. It was 70+ the day before and 60’ish yesterday. Maybe it won’t be so dry here this year.

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Damn brother that sounds like Texas weather! 60s, 70s then BAM! 28!
Raining here today. Muggy Houston kind of day. Gonna stay inside and act like old folks today! Hunker and get higher than a couple of lab monkeys. We’ve got some edibles and a couple of vape carts. You stay warm and dry my friend.




This was right before the Great Texas Freeze Out. All of those plants were lost. :pensive:
