Oleskool’s Shitkicker Grow Show redux

Looks like my jar of goji raspberry afghani after 5 days of power outages-

must be genetic haha


Yep! That’s it exactly! I’ve got 3 immature plants I managed to chop before the shit hit the fan. I go to the closet and hack off a branch and lay it on top of a radiator type heater. Tough times back on the ranch! Stay high brother!




Yeah man! They also went cheap and bought blades without the protective coating that allows the ice to fall off. Like the ones in Norway, Sweden and many more. We are not safe with Abbott and Cruz in positions of power. Failed State!



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Damn Skool… I heard that the whole entire grid, which is isolated, and impossible to take power from other states, was literally only about 5-10 minutes away from completely collapsing when they instituted emergency precautions. It would have been months to repair at that point.

It’s the richest energy producing piece of land in the world. They pocketed all of the money that would have winterized their grid.

Abbott tried immediately to blame it on wind and solar until someone reminded him that the entire northern climates use both without problem by purchasing the winterized package.

Even the natural gas froze at every stage. Generators, nuclear, and coal fired power plants… all shut down.

One day people are going to realize their politicians are chosen by the special interests groups and they skim tax money from everything leaving the population vulnerable. I’m sure the customers all got charged for the winterization program.

I sure hope it starts to come to light now. I would file a suit against that group to cover your prize plants!! Not your fault!! lol

Cruz…??? … head in my hands… :clown_face:

Peace brother. Gimme a shout if you need anything.


Were you able to salvage much from your flowering plants in the shed? fresh frozen bud would be fine to trim and dry as long as there were no mold issues. Might be a little immature but should be usable other than that.

Did some of the plants survive?



You are right on point my friend. I have no words! That’s remarkable in itself! It’s just fucking cold now. Sun is out and it’s 29 degrees. We will thaw soon. Still boiling water, nothing in stores, lines for gas at jacked up prices, hungry!



Really glad you’re hanging in @oleskool830
This will be something that goes down in the record books and you’ll be able to proudly say you were there and made it through.

Stay Hazed




i realy feel with you guys! we´re used to that weather,but i can imagine it´s pure Horror to you! less isolated homes,bursting pipes and no power. hope,the snow is not melting too fast…that can mean flooded basements and stuff,if the ground can´t take all the water.


Thank you kindly @Blowingupjake! Great to hear from you. You’re absolutely right however “proud” seems distant! :joy:




Thanks @saxo. That’s what everyone is concerned about at this stage. Still below freezing now but 40s tomorrow. We’ll see.






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A sense of normalcy is slowly returning to the Texas Hill Country. Power is restored with increased confidence of staying on. The sun is out and the thaw is on! 46 degrees currently but looking at 20 tonight. I managed to cut power to the shed in the storm because power was sporadic. Tomorrow I plan on getting in, removing the dead and starting over. I’m gonna try and use the promix again because that shit is expensive! Might add some coco. I think I have a couple of Goji OG seeds left. Definitely pop them. Don’t know what else. I know I want to use one 4x4 for a SOG Auto Run because I smoked all the smokable herb during the storm and that seems the quickest way to put a few jars up. Auto seeds needed if any extras! Next week is back to the 60s and 70s. Texas weather! Thanks to all who engaged me during the cold dark period. For a while you guys were my only contacts. OG Family got us through tough times once again. It’s all love y’all…



Found that quite funny today for some reason.



Starting over from seed. Stay high!

Love y’all



Hope life is getting back to normal brother. What a mess. I hope you have water. peace

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I had water until my hot water heater blew a crack down the side and flooded the entire laundry room and into next room! This just happened today so my water is off till I get it fixed. One hella day.




Shit man when it rains it pours .