One Pheno showing Burning/Curling. ALSO ITS HOT

All same strain from seed. One plant is showing curling and burning edges? All others looks great. They’ve all been fed the same things and same amounts. Dry amendments top dressed.

Also I added a 2nd light to create an even light canopy but it’s getting very hot in my tent. Will getting VPD closer help with this if I keep great airflow and increase humidity or is this a recipe for mold?


Not sure if you can gauge something comparing your plants to this.

Potassium deficiency at a glance but there are others to examine.
Good Luck.


one that talks flower problems may help as well.

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They look like they have been over fed I think. If you look at the tips on the other plants I can see in the picture they all have a bit of tip burn. Maybe this one was pushed too far.

Sometimes plants don’t all play nice together with the same inputs.

I would rip off the really ugly leaves so I could more easily gauge spread. Then I would leave it alone to see if it gets worse. If it does then I would flush.



Flushing is useless in an organic grow and will only make things worse.


Alleviating excess warm air in a grow tent is as easy as opening one of the vents on the top of the tent, this, along with the airflow created by your fan(s) will push out the hot air and help regulate the temperature at the canopy level.

If you don’t have fans to move air, then you can open any available vents at the bottom of the tent to create a solar chimney effect that will replace warm air with cool air on a continuous basis while the lights are on. I’ve seen this work with LED’s, but not with any other grow lights due to the excessive heat created by them.

The pheno with the issue may just be a light feeder and can’t process the available nutrients like its siblings can. There may be many different phenos to be found in any given batch of seeds, meaning that there will be differences, some subtle, some not, some noticeable, some not, but they are there.

Overall, I think your plants look pretty good. Don’t let a few burnt leaf tips ruin your day, brother. Once you learn how all your plants react to their individual feedings, they will be easier to remedy on an as needed, if needed, basis.

The plant will give up its secrets to the gardener who understands and listens to it. Be understanding and listen.