Help, identify nute problem

Well I’m having my first issue on this 2nd grow. Can someone give me some advice on if this is an excess or a deficiency? Also what nute you think it is? I can’t tell much from the pictures I have seen most issues look the same to me.

Can’t really give you to much info, runoff ph was below 6 at last watering, my drop test kit only goes to 6. Other plants are uneffected. It is starting on lower, older fans and moving up the plant. Just brown tips on upper leaves.

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I’m leaning towards magnesium deficiency but lets call in Dr George…

@George, what do you think is happening here?



Hi there
I have a few questions
What are you feeding and at what ppms?
Ph of your mix before you water the plants ?

I would flush
Then feed adding cal mag and Epson salts
Try to keep ppms around 600


I agree with @Gpaw magnesium
Which mostly started with a ph issue it always starts with ph

I have earth juice trace minerals that is the cure lol


I dont normally test the ph of the mix only the water used before mixing then again I test the run off. I haven’t fed them much this run yet light doses of the FF trio i had left over, some ffj and molasses. I did amend my soil with some lime, bone, and blood meal before I transferred to this size pot. That was almost a month ago.


I watered last night with 1 tbs of molasses and 1tsp of Epsom salt per gallon, because I was guessing cal or mag.

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It’s important to test the mix , your fertilizer will change the ph
Your mix should be between 5.8 to 6.2
For neutral

Also if they were in this soil mix a month or so your plant has depleted the Nutrients

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I water with aquarium water when I do water changes. Some tanks have alot of driftwood and stone so the ph is lower than others one tank I keep higher for shrimp @ 7.6.

The run off was around 850ppm, didn’t test going in it was only Epsom and molasses.

I am willing to listen, but all other plants are fine and last run I didn’t get concerned with perfect ph. A lot of the time on my last run my ph would test below 6 runoff and the plant showed no issues. I dont even have any buffers to change it if I wanted to. What works diy lemon juice?

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There’s always 1 that’s picky !
I get a picky one every grow !
I feel 7 ph is way too hi !
Also it’s just good practice good habits give good results
Just my 2 cents

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I had that before, it’s either nute deficiency, lockdown or such, or it’s a airborne virus, I google rust on leaves at the time. It only affected the cheese plants, it appeared at the end of flowering, they were still fire🔥.

If its just 1 out of all your plants is it possible that your soil mix wasn’t thoroughly mixed ? 1 pot could be a tad hot. Do yourself a favor and don’t compound the problem by doing a bunch of different stuff to it now. Give everyone a chance to weigh in here and then do simple correctives. Its usually something simple and so is the solution.


This seems to be Potassium deficiency: hum|nullxnull


Looks like to much Cal mag or Nitrogen

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What is your soil mix?
What are you feeding?

Imo , when it doubt - flush it out.

Most issues are PH induced - stabilize your ph and whatever you have locked out should become available again.

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Soil mix is a little bit of every thing, 2 kinds of promix, some used FF OF, and some fresh OF. Amended with some blood and bone meal, then added some lime.

Feeding, well very little so far, just small doses of leftover FF trio nutes, like 20 ml tiger bloom per gallon every 3rd watering. Right now plants are going 3-4 days before the pots dry out enough to water again.

Yes, that’s the plan next watering. A gentle flush with 6.6 ph water. Meaning I’m not going to run 10 gallons of water thru it, more like 3 gallons max.


The flush will help a great deal

I try to keep the ph lower I feel between 5.8 to 6.2 is best Imho !

Also do you check ph every time you water ?
This made a big difference to me and the way I grow

I feel it’s best to check the ph level after you add you fertilizer to your water the fertilizer changes the ph every time

All problems begin with PH

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Never used soil. Thought the soil feed ph was higher.

I run my coco around 5.8 thru 6.2.

Idk the chart you showed is what I was working off of. I always use my aquarium water from water changes, to water my plants.

Now most of the fish tanks have low ph. I use a freshwater test kit from api to test ph, add 3 drops to a 5ml sample. With this kit 6 is as low as it tests, so idk how low the water is. I get scared it’s getting to low. Even when plants look fine so I will water with higher ph water as that tank needs a change about ever 3rd watering.

Only 1 plant has issues and even its clone is fine and all get the same treatment.

That plant is just cursed, after this started I was moving the light up as high as possible, gained a few inches, but the light slipped on 1 end swung down hitting the 2 mains. It cracked and bent the stock on 1 cola and split the plant in half, about a 3 inch long split, 1 inch off the topsoil.

It should live the next 5 weeks I need it to, but will it be worth a damn? That’s the question… lol