(OPEN) PS Oaxaca by Freaker @DainIronFoot

Thank you @G-paS & @DainIronFoot. This is so appreciated!


Thanks! @G-paS and @DainIronFoot . this seems like a really cool one. Its a real blessing to have the opportunity to grow something like this.

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Signed up and forgot the flag. Edited in. Now I can’t find wiki. Did i break it?

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@Bayarealivingsoil I see the wiki in post #2, and I see you on the TL2 list in spot #72. No country flag


What a nice suprise this is, thanks to everyone who made this happen!


@OhNo555 Did I do it right? thanks a lot @DainIronFoot and to everybody else that made it happen!


Awesome might get some PS after all


Can’t believe it myself :heart_eyes::star_struck::crossed_fingers:


I added my name to the list. I’m looking forward to this. I’ve wanted to try Landrace genetics for years. I had some trouble understanding how i pay the shipping. I know there is a page but i wasn’t sure if i pay before the list is closed or after. Also if someone anyone could like the post to make the payment i would appreciate it.


Don’t worry, those will contact you later this year, depending on where you come from…
This is nothing expansive :pinching_hand::grin:

But the best part is the flowering time. Are you ready to wait 20 weeks for some pearls ? :sweat_smile:


Howdy @Itslegalnow, here’s the link to the tutorial @G-paS made for members wanting to learn how the Co-Op boxes work that details payment and shipping:

B) When the notice is posted on the site go to the DIY site through the member link DIY Green Life

As @Aero mentions, when the Co-Op boxes are close to being ready to send out to members the regional distributors will post a notice with your @ included here on Overgrow and you will be notified they are ready to be signed up for and paid for on the DIY Green Life website. Hope this is helpful. Many blessings and much love


Just leaving a note for OP & Mods that I have edited the list to move myself from the TL2 list to TL3 as I became a regular today and don’t want to take up a space that a member can use.

I had no warnings on the edit so I am presuming it went through with zero overwrites/making a mess of someone else’s edit. :+1:


Howdy @Haggis, Congratulations on your TL3 regular status! I think it’s pretty thoughtful what you did. Also, if for whatever reason a co-op can’t be fully filled and distributed, seeds go out to the first signups in TL3 so as a regular I think you deserve that benefit as well. I’m not an authority on the signups, just a casual observer to your thoughtfulness and wanted to say I think it’s pretty nice of you to do that. Many blessings and much love

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