Organic smallgarden and guerrilla growth

Hello gardeners and gardeners!

Weekly update here. Plants completing the 4th week of vega and I completed 32 springs, 17 loving the most beautiful flower in this world.

It’s been sunny and hot days, and the little plants are developing well, even the late Skunk#1 and Mozzarella gave a little boom. Skunk#1 had lost its cotyledons, so the plant improvised the first pair of true leaves as cotyledons: it didn’t grow and served as a reserve at first. This type of adaptation is what fascinates me in the living world!

They’re on the 6th pair of leaves, and Sunday I’ll see the ones with sativa predominance - the crosses and the CH’s. At FFC I’m going to make a tie. I’m not going to change the Pisthash now because the internodal space is very short. Skunk and Mozza will not be trained. And speaking of predominance, I want to make a personal observation - although I really appreciate the effects of a powerful sativa, I really like the appearance of indicas, especially the “chubby” leaves, reminiscent of strawberry leaves, it’s so cute kkkk

On the 16th they had watering and received the first fertilizer. I started with 1ml/l of Biogrow, 1ml/l of Vitaplan rooter, 1 ml/l of Alquifish and 1/4 spoon/liter of epsom salt. Concentration at 550 PPM.

Yesterday they received a leaf of liquid bokashi, alquifish and epsom salt, concentration at 400 PPM.




(The lady goddess of herbs)

erva-mate legend

In the great taba on the shores of the sea, the tribe was celebrating a new victory. Enthusiasm had reached its peak. Gathered in a circle, around the bonfires where they roasted the prisoners’ meat, the warriors sang of their prowess in the great battle in which the ferocious enemies had been completely destroyed.

The generous sparkling cauim circulated from hand to hand in large gourds.

Suddenly, between two famous warriors - the young Piraúna, the greatest swimmer in the seas equal to the swiftest fish, and the brave Jaguareté, fearsome as the beast from which he was named - a heated dispute arises.

The fame of being brave and invincible had ignited an implacable rivalry between them. In the memorable battle both had performed prodigies of valor; and each claimed to have slain more enemies than the other.

At the height of his fury, Jaguareté, blinded by hatred and maddened by the libations, takes the club and, with a treacherous blow, crushes his rival’s skull.

The assassin is at cost dominated by the other warriors, tied to the torture pole. His homicidal act had to be redeemed at the price of blood, which gave the victim’s relatives the right to take the life of their killer.

In the midst of the infernal racket, the borés roar, and the voice of old Curuassú, Piraúna’s father, can be heard, asking for silence.

And so spoke Curuassú, who had once been a famous warrior, and who was then no less renowned in councils for his wisdom.

— Curuassú doesn’t want Jaguareté’s blood. It was not he who shed my son’s blood; it was Anhangá, the spirit of evil, who darkened his mood with intoxicating wine, using his arm to take Piraúna’s life. Let Jaguareté live, but leave the tribe and live alone in the backlands.

Untied from the torture pole, the banished received his weapons, and girded his shoulders with the straw uru, containing his hammock and some utensils.

At a gesture from the chief, two warriors accompanied Jaguareté, serious and silent. After leaving the taba, past the last fields of corn and cassava, the warriors turned and remained still. Without looking back even once, the Piraúna killer continued walking, disappearing into the nearby forest.

Years passed; of the outcast, no one else had any news…

The tribe, once invincible, had been routed in many battles and had been driven little by little from the shores of the great sea to the forests and meadows of the interior.

One day, young hunters, chasing their prey, discovered to their surprise a hut standing alone in the middle of a clearing, surrounded by beautiful trees.

They approached; and their amazement was even greater when they saw, suspended at the door of the hut, the arch decorated with toucan feathers, emblem of their own tribe!

At the door of the hut, a man appeared, whose white hair indicated his advanced age, in contrast to his erect and manly bearing. Seeing the new arrivals, his countenance showed a deep emotion, as he immediately recognized, on their weapons, the same badge that, in memory of his ancient tribe, he always wore adorning his bow!

After having fulfilled the duties of hospitality, sharing his provisions with the strangers, and quenching their thirst with a drink they did not know, the host told them his story.

It was Jaguareté, the banished one, whom they had heard about from their parents.

Expelled from his nation’s taba, Jaguareté had entered the virgin forest, inextricable and endless. After having walked for many suns exhausted and hungry, he had fallen in a faint in a place where unknown trees grew.

In dreams, the beautiful goddess Caá-Yaríi, the lady of the herbs, had appeared to him, who had taught him how to prepare a drink with the leaves of those trees, the same as he had served them. Thanks to the wonderful properties of that plant, which had invigorated him and given him new energy, Jaguareté had escaped death and had remained robust and healthy during the countless moons in which he had lived away from his fellow men.

The use of Cáa, the name that the Guarani gave to yerba mate, became one of the habits of the region’s tribes, where it was found in extensive forests, or herbs.

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Transplant ok


Pre bloom defoliation
40-43 days of vega
I’ll flip 12/12 in 7 days



Flip flop flup


Last update of the year. The new QB arrived today and I already uploaded the bloom with it. I ordered and paid for a 120 W one, I ended up getting a 150 W one. Very fast delivery, took 2 weeks to arrive. Now there’s a QB on top of each plant pair. And the stuff got sinister, scoring 1600 ppfd at 100%. Can this give an overview, at this point in the championship? (it’s still in that stretch of the beginning of the bloom)

Today the Attitude beans also arrived. Incredible 14 days since shipment. In Karma’s pack of 12 they sent 14. In ACE’s pack of 5 there were 6. I won 3 nice beans ! hehe

The buds are starting to take shape. I was out for 4 days and when I returned to Pisthash I wanted to touch the QB, it stretched a lot these days. I’m still in love with the smell of Mozzarella.

Today there was fertigation with 1150 PPM: 13 liters of solution - 2.5ml BioGrow; 2 ml Alquifish; 1 spoon of salamargo; 1.5 ml BioBloom; 1ml TopMax; 1 ml Forth Balance (source of Calcium).

I’m glad that this cycle has not had a deficiency or overfert so far.


The feeling of doing a good job.


24 days Bloom


Hi5! :joy:


I’ve started a Karma Genetics run. Acid Dawg is the choice, 14 regular beans. I wish run a F2 beans with clones, and the friend @mospri is helping me in the process.
I got a new DIY tent for veg 2’ x 3’ , QB chip led Samsung lm301h 240 w

This is in day 01:

This is today, day 04:


In (now) Bloom tent, led upgraded with a new board. Now i’ve 390 w.
We’re at 5th bloom week. They’re start getting fatty:


ACID DAWG - Karma Genetics

13 out of 14 beans germinated. The project is to veg, clonning, flower, select and F2 the clones. They are 6 days old, yesterday they had their first watering, and it was with EM-1, aloe vera extract and mycorrhizae, 30 ml each cup. So taking 300 to 380 PPFD of light, 15 cm from the board.

Another corner, bloom in a half:


Lets grow primo, daleeeee!!!

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Lets grow!

Acid Dawg. Day 9. I covered the cups with ewc and watered them with water with a few drops of Fish’nMix and Superthrive. I germinated in the cups with inert substrate and that was it until then, but this caused a delay in this initial development. Special thanks to @mospri ! TMJ!


50V 38B
Cookies Haze
Forbidden Fruit Cake


45 days of bloom. A Cookies Haze one started to pull new bold stigmas. A lot! At 7th bloom week, its crazy :smiley:
The tent smells like a fruitshop. Delicious.


At the bloom tent, today we finish the 7th week. Another 2 or 3 weeks and knife in them. I’ve noticed a coffee-like smell on the Pisthash. Mozzarella is stinky (I love it). Skunk #1 is not very stinky. Cookies Haze and Forbidden Fruit Cake smell like fruit. In general, the flora stall smells like a fruit shop lol
Yesterday I gave them a complete food with the total doses of the Biobizz chart (Biogrow, Fishmix, Biobloom and Topmax), plus EM-1, Superthrive, Alquifish, epsom salt, Forth Equilíbrio (calcium) and molasses. Measure the TDS of the final solution and it hits 1500 ppm. I usually keep the ppm range within the recommended range for the mineral. I don’t know if it’s justified, but I do it to avoid any overfeed. But this time, as I’m going to start reducing the nutz from now on, I kept the 1500 ppm and sent a bullet. They didn’t respond badly so yah nice.
I came back with the humidific in the flora, because this week there was a day that hit 36ºC and 52% RH, and I don’t want to harvest tasteless ganja, after so much dedication. Then, when I harvest, I sanitize with hydrogen peroxide to remove any possible mold on the flowers.

Geralda Flora:






dankness hug!