Bil's Cauldron

Hello, Hello, Hello

Greetings from Rio de Janeiro-Brasil

This is my setup inventory

Fabric Pot 65 Gallons
Square plate 77x77cm
Grow Box 80x80x160cm
Quantum Board 120w (2)
110v extractor fans (2)(in and out)
110v internal fan
Blumat Tropf and Blusoak

BioCompost [Azospirillum brasiliense; Bacillus subtilis; Rhizobium tropici;
Pseudomanas fluorescens]
Nobile Plus [Beauveria Bassiana; Isaria Fumosorosea; Metarhizium Anisopliae; Nomuraea rileyi]
Nobile Trichoderma [Harzianum; Asperelloides + 3 other types]
EM-1 [Lactobacillus casei; Lactobacillus acidophilus; Saccharomyces cerevisiae]
Três Marias Probiotics [Insect Humus; Hydrolyzed Insect Humus, FPE Moringa; EM5; OHN; Anaerobic Bokashi]
Ophicina Organica: AlqFish Mel [Sea fish; Seaweed; Crustacean shells; Molasses]; Bokashi [yeast; actinomycetes; bacteria]
Big Foot Gold [Mycorrhizae: Glomus aggregatum; Glomus etunicatum; Glomus intraradices; Glomus mosseae; Bacteria: Bacillus subtilis; Bacillus licheniformis; Bacillus megaterium; Bacillus simplex]
BioGreenShop [Hydro Flex PSB Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria]
Curumin: [humus; Citrus Guardian]
Neem Oil; Andiroba Oil; Copaiba Oil; Dead Bug [Pyroligneous 65%; Neem Extract 15%; Pepper 10%; Tobacco 10%
Mineral: PlantProd; Calcium nitrate; MKP; MAP; Gibberellic acid; Indolbultiric acid
Bio Bizz [Grow; Bloom, Heaven, Alg-A-Mic; Topmax]
Inputs: Neem cake; Crustacean cake; Ekosil; Yoorin Master]


As the temperature here is always high, I always struggle with pest control

Especially this last cycle that I’m cultivating, I’m facing a thrips infestation

I believe the combination of neem oil + Potassium silicate + Spinosad worked >> It’s the first time I’ve taken a thorough look and I don’t see the damn things moving, I hope everything is dead >> I’ll follow the preventive applications

Spinosad I went for Confortis but I saw that it was for sale at OrganoLab and I’m going to buy it, I just haven’t bought it yet because I’m still deciding what to do with all the probiotics and inoculants I have here >> they all have about 500ml yet >> I dont know if I leave these expired ones aside and buy new ones.

Otherwise, I thought it would be more prudent to set the light time back to vegetative and hold it for a few more weeks until the plant recovers


Welcome to Overgrow @gambiarra.bil :v:


Thank you, comrade!!


Looks great! Best of luck with those pests…definitely can be a challenge. Happy grows and I look forward to updates


Starting this diary with a question for anyone who comes by and knows the answer:

I have some liquid and powder probiotics, as the cultivation here is small, I still have a lot of them but I’m upset because according to information from the manufacturers, each of the products has passed its expiration date for almost 3 years.

Do the living beings all die after the expiration date or does it just lose the effectiveness guaranteed by the manufacturer? Will it hurt the plant to keep using it? Or it just won’t work as expected?

Thank you :slight_smile:


Growing with high temperatures and humidity is really a challenge, any blink and this damn things infest. Especially this cycle I was very busy and I cant get the desired attention to the pests control. Luckly, I think I got at the right time to get away with these pests


Welcome to OG @gambiarra.bil !
Awesome setup with the 65 gallon pot :sunglasses:
I wish I had the answers for you on the expired products but I don’t know enough. I’m sure some of our more experienced folks will have some insight into it though!


Thanks for your consideration, the reason of 65 gallons fabric pot its because I like the idea of no-till gardening but I dont assume that way of growing because I mix so many other things and ways of doing things :sweat_smile:


I think I know this cultivation from somewhere :thinking:
Welcome @gambiarra.bil !!!


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Welcome to OG!

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How amazing to see you here too :grin: internationalizing my diary and all the gambiarras :nerd_face:

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After one week of the massive attack with potassium silicate+
neem oil+spinosad (from pet’s pills), the plants were really damaged by the pests and by my attack but I’m glad that I didn’t found any live pest walking through the leaves. I defoliated the damaged leaves and then I sprayed out water with OHN+EM5+Fermented insect humus extract hoping that the plants recovers well and quickly. Next week there will be an extra insertion of spinosad+beaveuria+isaria, but this time with a less concentration, just to keep away the pests and then put flowering time again. And that’s that. É nós. Tamo junto


After 10 days of the massive attack, both plants showed good signs of recovery, the leaves started to grow beautifully again, sprouting flower buds everywhere, today I applied the preventive combination of Isaria + Spinosina + Beauveria + Saponina + Potassium Silicate and at the end of the week I’ll put the lights back to flowering time. Even late, the harvest will come. Faith in God and the Goddess, Blessed Be :v:


Boiling cauldron :fire:


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The plants continue to grow frantically, the branches look like they will bring some very good top buds

I defoliated it because I already had a lot of large, long leaves.

I decided to try putting products in the Blumat’s water tank again. I’m using 1mL/L of Insect Humus FPE from probiotics3marias. I’ve done this before and over time biofilm accumulates throughout the system, but as the plants were recovering I thought it would be good. And the results were really very good. I will leave the blumat system to be cleaned at the end of the cycle, for now I think I will continue making these additions to the water tank.

Continuing with the experiments, I took a lighting board that was left over and lit it from the bottom up. I didn’t set it to maximum so as not to increase the temperature close to the ground too much. I didn’t find any information about this type of lighting supplement, so I decided to give it a try and see what happens.

I’m always learning and I really like to exchange ideas, so feel free to comment on my experiments.


Now the pot is going to boil :smiling_imp:!!!
I’ve seen diaries with side lighting supplementation… Right here on OG, you can see some!!!


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Nice grow!

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Anticipating the next cycle with Ace Seeds

I dropped 6 seeds from Pakistan Chitral Kush and 6 seeds from Golden Tiger

11/12 seeds sprouted, praying to the last one Gonden Tiger still sprouts

I will choose a nice male to make seeds, so it will be 12h of light since the beginning and I will try to make it with the smallest possible pot until I find the males and choose the females to cross.

I think the current cycle will make a great harvest so I can do this seed production without concerns of being potless

Blessed Be



6/6 Ace’s PCK Sprouted
5/6 Ace’s Golden Tiger Sprouted