Organic smallgarden and guerrilla growth

Hi guys! I’m Ilex p., an inexperienced Brazilian grower, and with great humility I come to introduce my cultivation. I have already performed 1 complete indoor cycle with mutts seeds, whose plants have hermated and produced a very weak smoke. I have also carried out 1 complete outdoor guerrilla cycle, with these same mutts seeds, and the plants have grown vigorously, producing great quality ganja and great yields.

That was 8 years ago. Since then I haven’t cultivated any more, and now I return to the hobby.

My indoor cultivation is in a homemade improvised tent located in the attic. Its modest measurements are 3x3x4 ft. In it I run an HQI 400w in veg and HPS 400w in bloom.
My standard soil is peat moss, perlite, vermiculite and earthworm humus, with Trichoderma and Glomus inocula.
For nutrition, I’m using BioBizz, liquid bokashi and alquifish.

At the moment, 6 automatic plants are growing (Sweet Critical and Gorilla, by 00 Seedbank, and White Widow, by Keraseeds), 1 mutt seed plant and 1 photodependent plant (Terminator, by La Semilla Automatica).

I had problems at the beginning of the cycle with root oxygenation, pH fluctuation and fungus gnats, which caused a delay in the growth of the girls. We are now in the 10th week since germination, and the problems seem to be resolved or circumvented.



A nice start, welcome to OG @Ilex.paraguariensis!


Thanx a lot, bro! Im glad for u comin




Thank u, Reithel buddy!

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Well Done @Ilex.paraguariensis!

Your earlier experience shows and you’ve clearly been doing some serious research allowing you to make some good choices.

I’ll be following.



Welcome and thanx, Grouchy man!
We’re in the fight here!

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Guerrilla update

        Yesterday at the end of the day I went to visit the woods. It had been 11 days since the last visit.
        I had the misfortune to observe that the girl paraguaian sativa-mutts seeds (which is beautiful, about 1.5m tall) has hermated. She already has many pistilled flowers, and some bags of polen that have been removed. I moved her away from the others, carried her into the bush in a clearing, about 20 meters away from the others. But I know it's not enough to avoid possible pollination, so next visit this plant goes under the knife. 
     Of the other 7 girls, a paraguaian sativa and an Auto Gorilla have already started showing their female preflowers. Zkittlez Glue grew well too, but still no flowers. Runtzosa is kind of suffering, but going. Green Crack is growing on average. The other 2 sativas also grow vigorously, but still no flowers. 
      Photos of the girls. I apologize for the quality of the images, but it was starting to get dark.



Hi people! I need some help here. I’ve a couple of auto WW which have ~60 days since from germination and not yet get in Bloom. Just showed a few calix.
At the moment, the photoperiod is 20/4.
My quest is: i should to get flip 12/12 photoperiod? For to force this plants get in the bloom?
Remind, i’ve another plants in tent ( auto in bloom).

Grateful bros and sis!

For now, just a photo of a Sweet Critical tiny dwarf as a courtesy. This baby goes to knife in 1 week. And his sis Auto Gorilla.




Nice chunky buds and LST work! It looks like you’re going to get quite a few colas my friend! :+1:


Thanx buddy!
Welcome to my diary.
I hope u’re right.

Cheers and nice growth!

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Harvest the Sweet Critical dwarf and a cola of Gorilla
73 days from germination
Weight wet:
SwCr - 22 g
Gorilla’s bud - 18 g


That’s going to be the best plant in the bunch!

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Oxalá, my brother!

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Autos 86 and 83 days since seeds

Next week i’ll harvest the gorillas plants.



hey bro

I didn’t even see that you were the one who had posted it in my diary hahaha

The plants are so very beautiful bro, it will yield good things

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Relax! Its happens!
Thanx for visiting, bro!
I’ll resurrect this thread soon with an update.



Hi good people!

Auto WW #1 - 106 days from germination;
Auto WW #2 - 103 days from germination;
Sativa paraguaya - 111 days from germination, 28 days from bloom;
Terminator - 84 days from germination, 21 days from bloom;


News. Auto white widow harvest: