original OldTimer1?

Hi folks, I’m ‘new’ and wondered if ot1(oldtimer1) is the original from back in the late 90s-early 2000s?


The reason I ask is, I owe him a large THANK YOU! I moved from outdoor growing to indoors in the winter of '84… I ‘lurked’ on a few sites in the 90s and early 2000s, including OG.com. I found his tutorial on ‘Bonsai Moms’, liked the concept, and ran with it. It was a tremendous success, saving me lots of space. The rest is, as they say, ‘history’…lol I even reposted it after OG went down, with disclaimer and proper credits to him as the original poster.


Welcome @JohnnyPotseed It’s a fun site whit lots on knowledge


Thnx, Papalag, If it’s anything like the old site I’m sure it is a fun site! I’m in my 70s and been growing all my life, so pretty set in my ways of growing, but always open to improving techniques.


Yeah There’s a few of us old timers here it fun to watch the kids play lol


Welcome back @JohnnyPotseed hope life is doing ya well!
This is a great site. Don’t be shy to Post some pics :v:


Do you have the link to the post or your re-post of this tutorial? Welcome back also!

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Welcome! Im pretty sure I have that article with pics somewhere around here if you dont have it :grin::maple_leaf::guitar::sunglasses:

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Welcome back to OG @JohnnyPotseed!

They are the same, but Oldtimer has been around a lot longer than the late 90’s.


OK, I wasn’t sure if it was the same guy or not. thnx.
I just tried uploading the tute but it says not accepted format, sorry folks, It’s 1.75MB with pics included and this site says not authorized extension, it’s apparently not in jpg, jpeg, png,gif, or pdf. As it came from here, I’m sure it should be on this site somewhere, possibly archived. Check it out, very interesting read and still useful in the ‘new-age’ applying and mixing modern methods with the old.

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Thank you, Papalag, Mongobongo, Skiball, Canofbusjoe and DesrtGrown for the welcome.
A short bit about me; oldschool (very) 3rd gen gorilla grower gone legit. I’m a licensed mmj grower in Oklahoma, with 40 strains (many of them mine) The wife and I do ‘small batch-top shelf-organic’ I picked up the nic in the Humboldt valley area in the early 70s.


Here’s a closeup of one of mine still a couple weeks out from harvest.


@JohnnyPotseed being in humb in that time must of been amazing!!! Thank you

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‘That time’?.. was kinda sorta drugged fog haze. lol but fun through it all…if i remember correctly ;)-


So someone enlighten me to who this oldtimer1 is and what in tarnation this guy has to do with genetics. I’m lost with all the articles and cross talk on the inter webs. There has to be one out there with direct knowledge of who this dude is and what he did? Even in a dm is fine. Thanks and hope everyone has a blessed evening.

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I only know him from the Bonsai thread he authored. I think I have it bookmarked somewhere. I wanted to read it again since I’m learning to keep some mother plants. I think the thread was on Overgrow. Someone reposted it last year I think.

Found it… here you go. Bonsai Mums by Oldtimer1

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That gets brought up a lot. And is used quite well. I search however to know more of the man. Like a bibliographic record to know what’s the truth. Or as close to the truth as another mans words could say. I see a lot of clamor online from youngins like myself. It would be nice to have a actual bystanders account as to perhaps peer through the weeds…

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Enjoi802, I’m sorry I can’t enlighten you further as to Oldtimer1’s history. All I ever knew was that Bonsai tute, and the fact that he was an OverGrow member. I myself, and a lot of other people have used that tute. I have it stored but couldn’t get it to download here, so thnx GMan, for putting a link to it. It shouldn’t be lost, as even in today’s more modern grows it has import.