Ottafish’s seed giveaway to members, who will grow them and document

Yeah man!! Haze packs a serious punch for sure! That looks like some primo Sativa! That’s going to cure up really nice I bet​:+1::+1::+1:


Yeah man that’s for sure. When you haven’t seen them in a week, especially big plants outside, there’s a major noticeable difference in them. It’s like the bigger they get, the faster they grow! Mine are going gangbusters in the ground with unlimited root space. I think these may be my biggest trees ever!


Seeds have arrived, Tropical Fuel x Sour Bubble and some surprise Super Lemon seeds :smiley: Will be soaking them in diluted peroxide solution for a few hours before planting them in my living soil blend under the seed starting lights. Pictures when the seedlings come up. Excited for the opportunity to grow these, thanks again!


Awesome man! I will warn you about planting in living soil with seeds from my experience. I have so many bugs in there that they eat the seedlings. So I have to plant in a sterile mix until they get around 6” and then I plant in the soil. But do whatever works for you! Can’t wait to see what you grow! Exciting!


Received my beans today sir.
Will be popping mid August
I will keep everyone posted.
Thanks again @Ottafish


Awesome thanks man! I have another letter for you that will ship tomorrow. I already packaged it. After these fly I’ll be caught up with the list.

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You’re not wrong that’s there’s a risk vs. the guarantee with sterile soil but the way I see it with my process its a selective pressure. My cannabis living soil blend is five years old now and has a good microbial balance including several years worth of hot aerobic compost, forest soil microbes, and a few species of predatory mites (don’t know where they came from but they’re there). The biggest risk is some fungus gnats if the soil gets too wet. Sow bug population is also minimal in this mix compared to higher carbon garden bed soil where they can get a little munchy on certain seedlings. Generally get 80-90% germination rates on most cannabis seeds in this soil, so you will see these seeds grown!


Yeah then you good to go then! I like the predator mites. Especially the fast red ones. I’m not sure what I had in there munching mine. I bet if I’d have had my cover crop going they would have left the sprouts alone. I started after it all died off so the succulent seedlings were probably the only food in there.


I did something right… Member now :sunglasses:


The deed is done. I dropped 3 of each for starters


Amazing things arrived today

Thank you @Ottafish
Beans will be popping round here



@Ottafish killer work man, everything looks and sounds incredible. I wouldn’t be able to get em going for a month or two but I would love to give some of your gear a run :call_me_hand::call_me_hand:


I stuffed 6 of em in the corner of my tent :joy: haha I’m first


Awesome sauce! Pop those lil babies!


Sure man I’ll send you a PM!


Winner winner chicken dinner! We might have to come up with some kind of competition! Thanks guys for giving my crosses a chance! It’s going to be exciting watching them all grow!


First guy gets to try them all lol


Hey, that’s my saying! You can’t have it. :rofl:

Also something I’ve been know to do. :wink:


Like you said, wait until they start to grow these… so be ready, they will come a knocking… You’ve worked with stellar genetics and spent what, the past 4yrs working on just these… kudos bro.
Looking forward to your summer projects and my LBL Lemon Tree…


I’ve started some of these like 12 years ago plus with the Sour Bubble. I had some Sour Diesel crosses too but I gave those away… and a bunch of Ghost Train Haze… but yeah, most are newer. It’s hard to beat the bag appeal of a lot of the new ones. I bought a few more packs of my favorites to breed with. So I’ll be making some more crosses with those. They have incredible flavor and smell. I want to cross those with heavy hitters to add potency. The strains have to have it all or they get the axe :axe: No mids allowed​:grin: