Outdoor Tomato/veggie growing 101?

@Gonzo how’s the climate, daytime sun /temp in summer. Here in coastal VA/NC I did I. 5 gal buckets and they didn’t like the heat and confinement. I dug some holes like a foot deep and mixed in some potting soil and had huge plants. I did see you don’t yet know sun areas tho so sucks.


Yes, they need bigger pots and if they’re going outside eventually, as soon as you get them in the ground or a large pot, they’ll bulk up. You can see the one in the 1 gal pot has a better structure and is growing limbs. They love full sun, too. :v:

I got my seeds started good. I did Cherokee Purple heirloom seeds and they’re in solo cups atm. I have 12 cups, so I’ll grow as many as I can and give the others away or sell them. I didn’t do tomatoes the last couple of years so I’m stoked!

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Indeterminate, they are going to be transplanted into an above ground garden. Have a short season up here. Not to much luck with tomato.

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They should do good once they go outside. I take my starts in but back out when the weather is okay. Even 40ºf if it’s not too windy, here. That way they’re hardened off better and will be stronger for a short season. I even put them in front of a fan like my weed, so the stalks strengthen. :v:

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