Tomato soil ammendment?

I got four 9" tomato clones.

Some 10-gallon fabric bags.

3 bags Happy Frog soil

Some Dr Earth 4-6-3

Can I mix the 4-6-3 into the happy frog soil today & immediately transplant my rooted clones into it?

If so, how much 4-6-3 organic dry ammendments to each 10-gal soil?


I think happyfrog soil is hot enough you shouldn’t need any amendments for a few weeks, im not entirely positive though. I do know it has good npk value


Word, so just topdress in a week or 2?


I would top dress when you see flowers.


How big are the plants? I prefer to graduate mine through a couple sizes of pot, or it can be tricky to get the watering right.
Also, definitely do not amend the soil at this stage. :+1:

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I’d add some drainage maybe in case they get heavy rain. Happy Frog always was a little slow to dry in my opinion, at least for cannabis. You also need to have some form of Calcium ready if you start seeing blossom end rot on them. Good luck with the maters and learn to spot those damn caterpillars, they’ll eat you up if given a chance.

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Ok here we go…

10-gal non-ammended Happy Frog

I’ll let yall know how they do!

@HeadyBearAdventures this big!

@AppalachianBiscuits well most already have flowers, the clones came with mini tomatoes already :laughing:


Everybody says growing weed is just like tomatoes :sweat_smile: I reckon it works both ways more or less haha

But everybody :point_up_2: had good advice

My advice would be we got some heat in the summer, it makes watering a trick in pots for the fruit not to split. I actually think it might be good that you have some unavoidable shade.

Doh, I think I mixed up this thread with part of another one…lol still, play the minimal advice as it lies :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Yea I’ve got an umbrella right behind it, I can take em out of the sun if i need to. Watering has a lot to do with fruit splitting eh?

Yeah definitely. I’m no expert but I do struggle with that outdoors. Those ripping hot days in late July, even our cherry tomatoes split, and I think it stems from (lol, thats punny) the soil. Water retention specifically

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Most commonly this happens when soil gets too dry between watering, and then is fully watered all at once. Less water, more frequently is preferable to more water, less frequently.


Yeah, what the bear said :point_up_2:


I struggled with blossom end rot real bad in soil pots. I go directly to a calmag supplement. Dgaf what people say about base nutes, or well water, or hot soils, as soon as I see a blossom to rot, they get calmag in their water.

I wouldn’t use fox farm products at all. You should stick to using miracle grow…imo. If you can’t go organic … miracle grow is the best option. Fox Farm isn’t organic…


Tomato are good to atract the plagues
To outdoor are exelent to conce trate all the plagues behind him

Since it’s gonna take the Dr earth a few weeks to a month to break down anyways as long as ur potting same day you are perfectly fine, just follow the recommendation on the back of I think half cup per 10 gallon( I don’t have a bag handy)but the one labeled for new containers

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It’s like a cup per 5 gallons…

The mites in LA love it !!!


Wait what? How is it not organic.

Miracle grow isn’t that great, just loaded with slow release beads in a bunch of peat. Fox farm is great stuff just inconsistent on the batches, not sure how u would think fox farm isn’t organic when that’s the “go to” as an organic soil typically. Best option is just building ur own though with 50% compost(horse,steer,mushroom, humus and manure, etc),25% coir or peat, and 25% perlite, lava rock, or rice hulls, and a nice scoop of Dr earth. Gives u a balanced food,water retention, drainage, and aeration and the Dr earth microbe/meals package

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It’s just bullshit labeling…that crap will stunt your plants and burn them to shit. Makes me think it’s a damn Advanced Nutrients advert… Fox Farm is bunk imo!..

@AzSeaindooin420 inconsistent to say the least … Lol, all that shit seems small batch no?
