How long to harden off big plants ,to achieve monsters

Howdy. I was reading a thread over at another site i frequent, called growing some monsters, by a lady named Great lakes , do in short shes growin in 400 gallons of cow manure amended with a few things and gets 7lbs a plant ,wow is all I can say lol I wanna grow like this , so you have vegg for awhile to get them big , my question is how long do you have to harden them off before they can handle beings outdoors


400 gallon container hell I hope she gets 7 pounds lol at that point I would just plant right in the ground :thinking:


How big is the plant now?
I’ve already got almost 3 foot plants outside went out at bout 12" 2 weeks ago


She uses an above ground pot made of 2x4s and window screen ,which holds 400gallons which is roughly a 4ft x 4ftx4ft pot, the plants I want to do this too possibly if I can are about 2 foot tall atm

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No like how big are your plants not the lady who grows 7 pound plants

Also what’s the temp like where your at now are you in the United States or Europe just a lot of variables if your in the United States chances are your good to go

My plants atm are about 2 foot tall. And I’m in nova scotia,canada, so according to the farmers almanac i still got a month before i can put them outside


Then I would take them outside for a couple hours during the warmer part of the day slowly adding more time till there is no threat of frost but at 2 feet they should be pretty Hardy compared to a seedling


Thanks TheShowMeHomie, that’s what I’ll have to do. Start introducing them to the outside. For a couple weeks before they get a permanent home out there


Yeah I’m just not sure how cold it gets in Canada never been

Cannabis plants LOVE sun. Hardening them off isn’t terribly difficult. Just don’t go 100% indoor to 100% outdoor. Even if you went 100% they’ll limp a little but within a couple days they’ll adapt. Let them get a few hours day 1, a few more day 2, by day 3 or 4 they should be chugging along. Sun is slightly less intense at high latitudes as well.


Have communicated with her over the past few years. She, indeed, grows monsters. Composted Cow Manure (at least 2 years old), amended with Espoma additives, blends her own LAB, and big on Silica. She’s in Wisconsin . SUPER LADY!!! She grows for Meds, keeps it organic, does the Ladybug and Praying Mantis thing. Impressive, indeed.


I’m in Northern Maine and don’t even think about putting ANYTHING (except maybe peas) in the ground until AFTER the Full Moon in JUNE!!! There’s still Frost in the ground. I know you know about some of those Spring Cold Fronts in Nova Scotia.


It takes about 2 weeks to harden off your plants. You probably know the process already but you start by just putting them outside for an hour or two in say morning sun. In a couple days, increase to 2-3 hours. In a couple days, increase to 3-4 hours, etc.

Towards the middle of second week, incorporate leaving them out at night. so maybe we have 8 hours of sun, and overnight.

If you gradually harden them off this way as soon as they get planted in new outdoor environment, they will do great.


She sounds like she needs an invite to OG where do you guys see her at?


If you’re putting them outside and bringing them back in, keep them seperate from any plants you want to grow inside, and clean out the tent once they are staying out, in case you bring any nasties in with them. The middle of June is usually safe in NS for avoiding frost. The last couple of years we have had frost’s in early June.


Wow June :exploding_head: I can’t wrap my little mind around frost in June you guys should get :medal_sports: for growing outdoors there when is first frost of winter there?


I am just glad I don’t live in Newfoundland, you can still skidoo there in June lol.

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THC…“the farm”, as they call it here. Heck of a Lady and, quite helpful to others. I think she would like it here also, as she has a hard time finding quality beans that will finish before the bad weather hits. Under “Outdoor Growing”, Growing some Monsters is the Entry (GREATLAKES).

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I can imagine a lot of people would love to send her there Chuck’s sure would sell seeds pics of 7 pounders lol


I had a couple of 22 degree days mid-Oct last year. What I do is, go HEAVY on the water the day before Frost is due, roots are protected. I had 2 hard frost nights in a row, only covered plants on the deck with clear plastic at night, they weren’t affected. Let 'em ride another two weeks, all was good.