Overgrow Chat


You were a 6 digit I was a 7. :+1:

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Yeah, I joined kinda early on… under a million user id. To think, I used to be proud that I was under a million,hahahaha


Yes, but the whole point of the pinned post is that it’s ONE post. If it was all in one post at least people could search within that post. But now anyone with a question about the chat would go to the pinned post, see nothing about the chat and ask away. Only to have their post moved to the separate chat thread where it’s pointed out that this has already been asked and answered. What an absolute dogs breakfast.

Chat is now also available to members who have reached trust level 2!


That was a nice surprise to pop into today, I was like wait that is new.


Howdy @LemonadeJoe, thanks for the new features. I’m a bit unconventional and old school in my web surfing and was curious about how the chat feature works with respect to our privacy and such. Do we have the same types of protections with our personal information and such when in the chat feature or does it operate on a different type of system than the Overgrow forums? I don’t know much about that sort of stuff, I just know that I don’t click unknown off-site links and was wondering if while in the chat it’s like being in an off-site link or if while in chat the same levels of privacy are there as they are when browsing and posting regularly on the forum. I don’t want to put myself in a vulnerable place where someone through the chat feature could access my personal information without knowing like giving permission for audio or video and things of that nature. If you or anyone else knows more about that type of stuff and can help me understand better I would appreciate it. Many blessings and much love


I’m guessing you know a hell of a lot more than me. I don’t even understand what this “chat” feature is or why it’s necessary! lol (1)


Chat is fully integrated in Overgrow and the same security standards apply for both forum and chat.

Definitely no video or audio permissions needed to browse the site. Only same old cookies and browser push notifications. Sound notification can be enabled in your profile under Chat tab.


Dude, maybe it’s because I’m high, but I don’t know what the fuck you guys are talking about… I’m not seeing any chat room… I’m not seeing jack shit, except a misleading thread to a group, like a club… No rage here, imagine everything I say with a smile… I just don’t get it… Chat rooms of old have a very distinct style, and this ain’t it man… It’s supposed to be live, all the time.

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There should be an icon in the top right or top middle of your screen, depending on if you are on a computer or mobile device. It’s beside the search icon. Do you see the icon I circled? If so, click it and it will take you to the new chat addon. :v:


I see it… It just doesn’t take me anywhere… It shows a list of members… No chat room though…

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BTW, a live, moving chat room would be dope. Just like the old-school aol things, where people aren’t “posting”, but just talking, like an internet bar scene.


Oh wait a minute, I think I got it… It’s in the settings…

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Can you post a screen shot of what you see when you click that icon? This is what I see.

Edit, lol. Never mind. Looks like you got it. Not a ton going on in there but it’s new. Many seem to be liking the banter. I am sure it will keep picking up as folks find it.


Yeah, I’m sure there’s a lot of younger users that don’t even know what chatrooms are… It’ll pick up… For sure… :grin:


1400 messages sent using chat in the last week… It’s getting traction! :slightly_smiling_face::upside_down_face:

Thanks, added to the first post.

Also please check out the User Preferences → Chat for more customizations.


Dope update, huge. Still figuring out the new potential ^^


Lol. I JUST figured out that if you click the edit pencil next to the channels you can then see all the channels… :sweat_smile:


I didn’t know that, so thank you! Gonna play around with this new feature later during a break in the workday

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