Hey You! Yeah You! Where are your plants?

Hey you! Yeah I’ve been watching you.

The “grower” with the cool stories and funny memes.

The “grower” who has all the seeds for sale but no actual work to back it up.

“Grow for me because I can’t grow myself”.

“I made a bazillion seeds, I can’t test them but can you test them for me bro”.

“Which seed repro will make me the most popular overgrower”

100 posts and 75 of them are in the free seeds threads, and the other 25 are in giveaway/ trade threads.

.Using the anonymity of the internet and legal issues that surround seeds to prey on new or novice growers.

Copying and pasting websites together.

One week you’re “such and such genetics” following week your “blah blah blah genetics” on instagram.

Funny thing is, this applies to more than one “overgrower” :rofl:

So more than one of y’all will be like
“is he talking about me?”

This thread is to say shame on you for doing these things and more.

It’s high time we start holding each other accountable.

Overgrow has become something different than what I first joined. And I’ve only been on here a few years :roll_eyes:

Let’s do better :green_heart:


Call them out. Otherwise we’ve been over this before.


I wonder how long will last this thread ejem|nullxnull, controversial subjects never bring good things to the community… :expressionless:


My plants are all dead and trashed at the moment. Since my Time Bandit (grow) and smoke report in 2021, i’ve grown 30 plants and i’ve documented a few of those plants in veg.

But of 30 plants,some plants were males and sadly due to many reasons, none of the females made it to flower.

And i’m saddened by incomplete grow journals, where the thread just ends 1/2 way into flower. It’s a big tease w no happy ending.

“What? I got emotionally invested in the plants and how they’ll turn out. But there’s no Smoke Report? Aauugh.”

So now i will only post pics once i’ve fully completed a grow from seed to flower.


With more and more states signing on to legalization, we have tons of new growers looking to us Overgrowers for help.

We’d be fools to believe there weren’t scavengers circling and trying to get in where they fit in.

It’s bad enough we have to deal with things like fake clones, dishonest breeding, shady “canna friendly “companies.

The last thing I want is this safe place to not be so safe anymore.

No controversy at all, other than the frauds and fakers stinking up the place

And besides, I’m not breaking any rules am I?


We all have issues that keep us away from the garden.
You’re someone i consider to be an outstanding member of this community.
Thank you for always being kind and
Don’t read into my original post too much lol :green_heart:


Ok I may fall into the cant grow myself category and the copy and paste website together one :skull:

I am sorry , I’ll be sure to cut that out from here on <3

Stay OG everyone - Light


I’m not saying you break the rules, just that we already have people in charge to deal with this issues and making accusations with no names is not fair as you extend them to many people, just wondering … beer3|nullxnull


Cue incoming flags from all the people who SHOULD feel guilty for their actions :man_shrugging:t2:

I’d like this to be an open discussion but it seems like you’d rather shut this down

I’ll leave that up to OG to decide.


Thank You for your kindness. It’s the active or “senior” members here on OG that inspire me to be a better person. OG is like going to the church of Mother Nature and Humanity.


You can bring this matter if you wish, I can give you more examples of threads of this kind that finished with quarrels and heated discussions, I also did that in the past but they finish in a dead end with no solutions or improvements on the problem, trust me … beer3|nullxnull


We are able to make up our own minds regarding who is who and what is what.


And that’s what bothers me, the guys that should be helping and coming up with solutions, much rather sweep things under the rug.

I’ve done a thread similar to this about a certain OG member and his shenanigans.

But I said in my first post this isn’t about a singular person.

This about a trend I’ve noticed


There’s a Latin saying I really enjoy:

Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta

Do what you think you have to do, none of us will judge you … beer3|nullxnull


Amen brotha :beers:

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Agree, many things have changed in OG since I joined, not all for good, but it’s people that makes this forum great and they don’t change, I stick here because of them … beer3|nullxnull


This just reminded me about my new grow thread which petered out and I haven’t updated because the beans never popped 🤦🏾 thank you

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i had to look that up brother. i know enough latin to get in trouble and that translated funny. makes more sense from wikipedia.

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Here at OG most of us are kind and would give you the shirts off our backs, let alone a handful of seeds.

So it would be easy for people with ill intentions to sneak in and make themselves “super OGers”.

Let’s just be mindful and look out for each other.


I try to list and post up grow logs for what I am doing here. So I know most of this is not for me.

I do a lot of stuff here and on my socials to promote my growing. Not necessarily my seeds and giveaways.

However I like getting some of these genetics to try some stuff on my own. If it works and I have to offer. I will share. But lately I have been diving into knowledge not seeds