Pap’s 2022 spring grow


I’ve been using the same area ( work branch with lights and above the 24 x 24 in tent alo
as a veg area with both tents running in flower with no issues )
but to play safe I can frame out the area with the small tent an hang black plastic

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Just throwing out ideas : )
A joiner could partition room in two with door in a day
Walk thru existing door into veg room then thru next door into flower room

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2 pice of foam board 24 x 90 ceiling high small door like on hinges
I built one years ago easy to do
Cut holes for vent in and out
No light leek


Bro I’m thinking that 6 in exhaust fan and filter may need to be Upgraded to a 8 inch exhaust fan and filter for heat and odor control
I have enough electric service it was up graded after the fire

Also instead of a 24 x 24 in cabinet make it 30x18 90 hi
This will give me 2 areas one 30 x 18 x 45
One for 2 moms 1 seedling veg and will hold 10 small pots if needed


The air intake to flower room split in two using a t piece and run a tube down each side with holes like my set up , so instead of air just in centre , it’s evenly down each side falling down on all plants


I did a 6 inch fresh air piped around the room and a 12 inch (over kill ) fan and filter extraction in the veg room . The 6 inch pipe is 18 inches off the floor and provides plenty of outside fresh air right at plant level .


plants are too green too much nitrogen in the feed 2 feedings ago

As a result clones are taking longer to root then usually

Also I should fave feed bloom feed a few days before I took cuttings

I know better :rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::crazy_face::laughing::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::joy::sunglasses:


So educate me @Papalag. All my moms are fed daily with 20-20-20. Should I be feeding 5-12-26 a couple days before pulling cuts?


Yes lower nitrogen raise PK and makes the cuts want to develop roots

In my case too much nitrogen In them no need to feed or produce roots as quickly

After 13 days they tad no roots except 1

Some where developing stem root ( too wet

And they just would not harden off needed the dome constantly


Would 10-20-30 or 5-12-26 be better to feed before taking clones? @ifish


Clones doing well , letting them air out a bit it’s been 5 days since I cut them

I’ll still keep the dome on them but all vents will be opened and once a day I’ll bring them out to toughen up a bit

@Joker they look better today we can thank @ifish for the cloning tips
Also ever notice how clones root faster when you take cutting when in flower?

Plants where watered PH’ed water only

Ok Frankie
She’s just about filled the screen
Everyday I’m bending branches

@Mr.greenbee welcome to the world of Octopots


I would say the 10/30/20
Is when the root development usually is best


Hay guys and gals any other ideas on the room change I’m starting next week lol

I’ll add as needed it’ll be a work in progress

Looks great I do it pretty much exactly the same with a trellis. Tie across the net and healthy plants aren’t effected from super cropping from what I’ve seen.

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@Joker 10/20/30
Give p and k an equal ish boost
P for roots k for plant health
If mum really green then
10/30/20 plus a dash of pk to lower n further but keepin same feed ppm kind of : )
P and k can’t be stored as much in mum so in subsequent cuts this is what runs out quickly , why we load mum up before hand for a week and if the cuts are less green ( not dark green ) they will want to fire roots out quicker ie to find food
And recut stems after applying gel so nice uptake , not blocked with gel equals nice turgor

This whole system means cuts will root quickly without any def showing so good to go straight away when roots show , no time wasted bringing frazzled cuts back to life after they root ( p and k def )


1 improvement will be as @ShiskaberrySavior recommended to hard pipe the air in take with holes drilled in
I can bend this around the room and in to the small tent and mom tent

I have a 6 in fan and I’ll bring it down to a 4 in pipe to increase air flow


Hard pipe is great compared to noisey flexible pipe
Have a look at my set up in my topic paps : ) a pic were plants small thus showing my intake pipes with holes
: )

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Cool I’ll give it a look


Clones day 7
Because the last attempt the clones took forever to adjust I decided leaving them out of the dome for 10 minutes a day and increasing it by five minutes daily . All vent holes in the dome are open clones do appear to be healthy

Dome off

Rh is good for clones 76
Temperature 79


Hi all
I just decided to go tentless we’ll almost

Took down the 4 x 4 x 80in tent
I can’t believe the room I have I should have done this years ago



I still have a bit to do
• Intake hard pipe
• new light ( for 4 th Octopots )
• 8 in exhaust fan and carbon filter ( hanging from ceiling)
• going to build a shelf that does become a 24 x 24 cabinet to hold mother plants ( above 24 x 24 tent )

Hi all what do you think