Perpetual Grows - How do you track your plants?

Hello fellas,
I noticed that many users are doing the perpetual grows with auto flowers and I would like you to share how you keep track of each stage/plant.
Do you have a data sheet ? What format suits you?

Thank you all!


I don’t run auto’s really but if you have an Android device, I’ve been using this GrowTracker app for years now

Developed by our very own @7lpdwcaw tho he hasn’t been on here in awhile.


I don’t track, much of anything. My plants show me what they need, and I give it to them. If there is an issue, I remedy it and only get concerned if it is a repeat issue


I don’t really grow autos often either, but I just mark when I move things, when I expect things to be done(harvest week and then dry week), when I shift feeds, and when I stop feeds all in my calendar so I get notified when to do what. Also allows me to see how many weeks I have between which harvests. I just aim for a plant or two a month. With autos, since they’re on slightly faster cycles, I’d just try to start some every 4-5 weeks. With regs I think I’m trying to pop seeds every 6-8 weeks.


Same here. I usually end up sprouting way too many beans just to ensure I don’t have any gaps in the cycle. When they’re big enough and I can tell they’re ready I move em to the flower tents and put others in it’s place.


Some are missing the point that is how you track, if you don’t track that’s for another thread.
Here I just want to know how people organise their feeding and stuff while sprouting like 2 plants per month.
On papper on a chart, on an app, is the app good and all those stuff, so I will give it a try to the grow tracker, or a calc sheet, but if it’s done by one of us, I will try it, that’s all I need to know.

Still some of us are crafty and may be some other methods that might surprise us, who knows?

In an auto perpetual grow you don’t have time to respond to their needs or you do it right or the yelds suffer. The clock is ticking and you can’t flower when you want.


Greetings @TastyCrop,

I think I understand your question, and I’m a veteran of some pretty complicated breeding runs that needed careful scheduling for success. I use spreadsheets for those.

But the part I find confusing is the focus on Autoflowers. As you point out, they are on their own timeline and that leaves little room for creativity.


  • Your tent that can hold three plants. Empty to start.
  • You have Autoflower seeds with a 80 day from seed to harvest schedule.
  • Plant 1 starts on day one in your empty tent (24/0 lighting, just because).
  • Plant 2 starts on day one of month two.
  • Plant 3 starts on day one of month three
  • Plant one is harvested at 80 days, month 3.5.
  • Tent is cleaned and prepped after harvest. One empty spot open.
  • Plant 4 starts on day one of month four. Tent is full again.

Rinse and repeat.

Adjusted accordingly for the strains you are running, but isn’t that about it?

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


I use Google calendar and just pop seeds every 3-5 weeks or so.

Like here’s march for example.

Everything in flower gets a :hibiscus: emoji, everything in veg gets a veg :herb: emoji.