Pheno Hunt - 7 Crosses of Sherb Cream Pie

3-4-24 Update - 2 Weeks Bloom


They have hit their stride as stretch begins in earnest. I have been pruning pretty aggressively, as we have crowded an extra 6 plants in.


The plants have been feeding almost every day. The circled s shows when they got a dose of al’s Super Feed N Kill Foliar Spray.


The canopy is even and about maxxed out. The girls are touchdowning and a vibrant green that advertises their happiness.


I’ve been pinching her a lot and got her strapped up. Gonna be a wild ride!

The plan is to get through the next 2 weeks of stretch with a lot of pruning, pinching, and training. We need to get a decent result from all 24 plants. So less side branches and more pinching to concentrate on a single cola.

As always, your questions and comments are welcome.



Man I like your gear, you have a great system going. When you say pinch is that a good solid squeeze on the main stem? How hard is too hard if it falls over I guess.

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I gave one a little pinch today


I don’t think that’s the right one but one of this grow. I squeezed until I was afraid I would do damage. Hopefully keep height down some.

Looking good as always @als_weed

I love your threads! Some of my favorite on this site!

Your veg method is similar to what I settled on.
I was always looking for a good way to veg outside of the Aeroflo. I eventually settled on aeroponic clone machines.

I tried using general hydroponic rainforest system with the “318” lids (18 plant sites, 3 inch net cups) thinking I could veg in that and just transfer the 3” net cup right to the Aeroflo, but I quickly figured out that was a terrible idea because the root growth out of the sides of the 3” net pots made it impossible to transfer them into the Aeroflo (the roots prevented them from sliding into the 3” holes on the Aeroflo grow tubes). So I went back to aero cloners.

Do you give them any veg time after moving them into the Aeroflo 36’s? Or is it straight into bloom? Looks like straight into bloom?

I usually gave them 5-10 days before flipping to 12/12. But I also usually moved my clones into the Aeroflo when they were smaller than yours.


I pinch until you feel it pop. Others twist the stem, but found myself holding a topless plant doing this. Meh

This slows down the elongation of the stem and increases vascularization, which then increases elongation. So after a few pinches, you have a slightly shorter plant that pulls harder on the roots because of increased capillary capacity. This in turn increases the volume of nutrients delivered to buds beyond the pinches making bigger buds.

Look up Supercropping for more extensive explanations.

I’ll post some post pinch pics in the next update for you.

Thank you for your interest.



Glad you are enjoying the threads! They are a little hard to find here on my little island.

My veg method evolved from going from cloners into home made veggers that used 3 inch netpots, so it was a direct drop into the Aeroflos. It became evident when scaling up past 3 units, that it was much more efficient to go to the bloom room right from the cloners.

Larger plants in every other hole is the best for our favorite plant in Flos.

When the plants hit the bloom room, I dial down the light. I crank it up as quickly as the plants will let me. This is documented on the data sheet because the faster they get up to speed, normally the better they do.

Thanks for your interest.



3-11-24 Update

Unit 2 – 21 Days Bloom


Lots of growth in the last week. The stretch has another 10 days or so and I expect to get another foot of height. I am reluctantly raising the light a little early. I don’t want to leave the shorter girls behind and the overall canopy will be fine.


I have been pruning and pinching every few days and the girls have been ravenous! Eating every day is a good sign for sure. We are building very solid foundations that could lead to excellent buds.


Everyone looks like they have their space in the light. We are on course to get samples of all participants.

Pinch N Train:

Here you can see some of the pinching and training on GDCP1.

We are 3 weeks away from launching part 2 of this experiment to the bloom room. I have reserved Unit 5 to run the next 24 unknown individuals. I want them as large as possible, since this is everybody’s One Shot Baby!

As always, your comments and questions are welcome.



Wow that’s a great shot of that stem and the process. Thanks for sharing that.

this plant broke during flower then later I seen how the stem had repaired it self.

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4/6/24 Update

Unit 2:


The buds are starting to fill out and develop trichs, oils, and aromas.


Reeky Sweet!

Unit 5 Layout:

Unit 5:


These are the next 24 unknowns at 3 days bloom. Everyone has reoriented and recovered. This batch has the slowest half of plants in the experiment and got a full month of extra veg over those in unit 2. Overall vigor is important, but a touch slower is not a disqualifying trait.

Happy plant:


We have lots of fresh plants getting ready to touchdown. It’s just so gratifying to see all the survivors from the fire make it to the bloom room. I couldn’t have done it without the support of my great team.

Thank you all so much.

As always, your comments and questions are welcome.



5/9 Update

We are half way to having finished bud for all of our participants. Let me bring you up to speed.

Here’s the first half right before the chop:

WAGP6 sitting pretty in the corner:

WAGP1 dominates in the super triched corner:

GDCP1 makes a lot of herself:

WAGP1 has an extra layer of trichs on a big vigorous purple plant.

Here’s the second unit with 24 more individuals to bloom out:

Some happy plants:

Here’s a short video update:

Sherb Cream Pie Crosses - 64 days bloom - YouTube

Notes during the chop:

Lotta smoke tests to do!

First round of tests and results are next.



Work work work, take a break Al, I hate that you have to smoke all that.

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Part 2 Chop Time!

Unit 5 has our second round of 24 unknowns, most of whom are the crosses from this experiment.

A short video of these plants:

Day 65 Bloom - Sherb Cream Pie Crosses (

Part 1 Results

We got a handful of worthy players: WAGP1, GDCP2, and GSCP4 are the leading contenders, while GDCP1, WAGP3, WAGP4, and WAGP6 warrant one more chance.

I may have found a special plant. WAGP1 has many characteristics that would make it desirable: large and vigorous, purple with medium sized trich dipped buds. She has a danky mello OG aroma that shows off her Biker Weed roots, but with a level of sophistication.

But the buzz.

The best reaction I got from judges was Holy Shit! and then later HOLY SHIT!

You see this weed smacks you in the head from the very first toke. As you blow out the first smoke, your head deflates in a wave of relaxation while your entire face begins to freeze. Your brain questions your ego if that really happened, and requires a confirmation puff that pulls you even higher. This happens a few times and the warm vibe envelopes you. Movement is fun, but requires you to strap on moonboots and a steady arm.

But the best thing is that you keep getting more of the same effect for 20 minutes AFTER you are done smoking. The creeper effect is strong enough to be alarming, so I can’t imagine what it would do to a noob. Should you decide to roll again, subsequent joints do not just maintain your altitude, but send you even higher.

As long time heads, my judges were in disbelief that this was unadulterated bud. A truly wonderful experience. Social fun, gaming & music enhancement, mental cleanse, and pain relief all rolled up in one – literally!

So . . . White Angel x Sherb Cream Pie = ?

Angel Cream Pie – REALLY gives you wings!

So now we have to regrow it for confirmation. If it isn’t repeatable, it’s useless. Science and all, so you can believe I have cloned the original mom into a nubbin. The largest ones are now almost a foot tall and will hit the bloom room in a month or so. I plan on sending clones to folks in my network to test in different media after my regrow.

As a plant matures, it changes most rapidly in the first 6 months. So a clone taken from a seedling a few weeks old will differ from one taken 6 months later. Most of the differences I find to be in flavor and aromas. The buzz can improve a little, but normally doesn’t tail off till years later.

Since all of these plants are survivors from last year’s fire, they should be matured out, meaning it should grow out the same.

Been so excited about this plant, anything else usable from this experiment is just bonus!

Bonus Other Stuff!

GDCP2 is the other stand out from the first round. She’s a medium tall silver spike that smells of strawberries and gasoline while growing. Loud and fruity taste with a hint of evil. Happy mental gaming and music buzz with super warm fuzzy earmuff effect that is intense and long lasting. The original mom died, but I was able to get cuttings and rooted a bud for good measure!

GSCP4 is a fruity gassy delight that got 3rd place in the grow, but will certainly be many growers very best soon, as it is vigorous and yields well. Enhances all the senses. Food and conversation with sharpened concentration and perception. Music and movement feel great. This will be a top shelf dispensary weed.

The odds are long to find this high of quality plants for sure. But remember the parents are all outcrosses and the most vigorous went first in this experiment. So we have genes selected for at least 25 years from different branches of the weed family tree combined together for a giant shot of hybrid vigor.

All of the viable sisters of WAGP1 are interesting on their own, but are stepped down variations of their big sister. I plan on giving them one more shot in the bloom room. GDCP1 is a larger, watered down version of GDCP2. She will get one more go as well.

Meanwhile, the 3 winners were all upotted to 2 quart containers while everyone else stays in 1 quart cups until their fate is decided.

As always, your questions and comments are welcome.



just looking forward to the next smoke report lol. hope you found something special and you did. now just hope it passes the test again

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The Grow Off and Verification Begins!

Here’s the layout of all the participants:

Here’s the Key for my shorthand and why they are in the study:

WAGP1 – Angel Cream Pie #1 – We have a whole row for a reason. We think this is an extremely rare plant with a buzz profile off the charts. 20-30 minute extreme creeper wings, pain relief, along with a full icy helmet head from just 3 puffs. We had over 20 different tester judges blown up, up, and away with her raw power. I’m so excited to find out if this is repeatable, cause I have cloners full of her ready if she can show me.

WAGP3 – Angel Cream Pie #3 – Number 1’s best sister. Not as vigorous or powerful, but would be many growers’ number one. Has great flavor, with only moderate wings, but still smacks the head. This is her chance to impress, otherwise I will pass her on.

SBCT – Sherb Cream Truffle – She’s the best of 7 from when I bred Sherb Cream Pie to Black Truffle. She was good enough to convince me that Sherb Cream Pie would be a great universal male. That is how this whole experiment and thread began!

GDCP2 – Gran Dawgy Cream Pie #2 – She is Gran Dawgy Purps x Sherb Cream Pie. A special plant that smells like strawberries and gasoline while growing. The finished bud is super berry with a touch of gas. The buzz is a warm headband. Creative, gameplaying, and music weed for sure!

DKSH – Double Crush – An old tymey weed from a Colorado friend. She needs a long veg time, so with an extra month of veg, this is her chance to shine.

SBCP – Sherb Cream Pie – The Daddy to the experimental participants. A medium sized purple bush that is a delight to smoke. Strong, spicy smoke that smacks your face. She was my universal male for a reason.

WAGL – White Angel – I created her over a decade ago by crossing Hell’s Angels Kush x Krome’s The White. The acrid nearly unsmokable biker weed was tamed with The White’s creamy flavor, extra sparkle, and undeniable power. The resulting bud is a potent, pain relieving, beautiful weed that is very flavorful, but is still very smooth and smokable. This is very important to many patients that need relief, but simply can’t tolerate intense coughing that most strong weeds induce. She is the mother of the WAGP sisters.

BRLC - Black Rock Lava Cake – Not your normal Lava Cake, this girl darkens up to near black with a generous slathering of trichs. Beautiful, tasty and powerful – A universal favorite that I use as a standard to judge other weeds.

GDCP1 – Gran Dawgy Cream Pie #1 – A giant vigorous version of GDCP2. It’s a watered down version of her sister, just produces 4 times as much! This is her chance to show me something, cause less buzz doesn’t hang around here, no matter the production.

PRMI – Pure Michigan – A plant I have been growing for some time. I took my most famous pic of her a couple years ago. She brought me plenty of attention, so I thought I would repay her with a spot in this grow.

Unit freshly planted:

And perked up on day 1:

Here’s a short video kicking off the experiment:

As always, your comments and questions are welcome.



Love to see the Phoenix aflyin

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Day 7 Bloom Update


In just a week, you can see the vigor is ridiculous in WAGP1. Aeroponics by itself creates the greatest growth rates of any methodology and is just rocket fuel for this girl.


Our targets for nutrition are 350 ppm and a pH that varies between 5.3 - 6.3. In the notes column you will see any relevant actions taken. Our measurements are taken at >3 hours after the reservoir has been topped off with RO water every day.

In aeroponics, you MUST measure frequently since everything happens so fast, both the good and the bad. And all you need is bad once and it’s ugly!

In our notation, the circled s means that the unit was sprayed with al’s Super Feed N Kill Foliar Spray. You can find the recipe in the All al’s tech thread in the als_weed forum if you are interested.

Reverse Angle:

Everyone is that lovely high growth green I love to see for the next 21 days!

As always, your comments and questions are welcome.


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Day 14 Bloom Update


Lots of explosive growth for 2 weeks of bloom. Our WAGP1 row is outpacing everyone as expected. The plants are growing at optimum with no evidence of burn.


The plants are hungrily eating every other day. They continue to soak up foliar sprays every third day. On day 14 the unit got 1 cup of Aero Tea to boost all of our beneficials and give the plants a slight nitro boost as they hit peak stretch.

Post 1st Prune & Thin:

On day 14 I pruned off shaded bottom branches and thinned main branches by taking off up 3 bottom subbranches. I don’t remove leaves at this point, unless they are shading and can’t be tucked. The intent is to concentrate the plant’s energy in the bud layer, rather than on things that will be just cut off later or make popcorn.

As always, your comments and questions are welcome.


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Day 21 Update


WAGP1 is just outgrowing everyone.


Lots of hungry girls, as they eat almost every day. On day 21 they got their first reservoir change. This gives us a chance to remove waste, update all the beneficials, and alter the N/PK balance. Since we are now slowing stretch, the plants don’t need as much N in the mix.


The plants have been ‘Mohawked’. This means we have strapped all the branches to the trellis – flattening them into a Mohawk. This control puts all the budsites in maximum light and airflow.


Bottom branches and selected leaves have been removed. I will leave a ‘tutu’ of leaves on the bottom that will be our foliar spray target for the remainder of the grow. This lets us force feed the girls much further into bloom while enhancing pest and mold control – without taking a chance of bud rot with direct sprays.

Short Garden and Experiment Update:

As always, your comments and questions are welcome.
